rookie meet mentor

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After school over during 3:15 pm with juniper montage enter the school gym to see her rookie handelbarb talking to coach code red in middle of gym begins apporched with them who notice her cause handelbarb got excitement expression on her face to see section 33 Co-captain of wild tera Pokemon catcher squadron and leader of shadowbolt alpha strike.

Handelbarb: "oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Im mentoring by the famous juniper montage the Co-captain of section 32 wild tera Pokemon catcher squadron and the leader of shadowbolt alpha strike. This is my best day ever."

Coach code red: "that's right kiddo, ms. Montage is best wild tera Pokemon catcher in section 32 since two years ago in our universe ever since."

Handelbarb: "cool, you can help me with every type tera shard crown when wild tera Pokemon summoned it."

Juniper: "yup like they use protect and tera blast stop the attacks or took out Pokemon with one blow including stellar tera too as well so we look out for Alright."

Handelbarb: "you got it ma'am."

Juniper: "tomorrow at Toronto, ontario, Canada in turning red, Disney World to find wild tera Pokemon for you catch, probably at 3:15 pm."

Handelbarb: "sounds good."

"Yo juniper."

They turned around to see surprised vinyl scratch and two section 46 armored agents entered the gym toward them and juniper montage said to vinyl with confused look on her face, "what's wrong vinyl?" She replied with surprised, "guess how many Titan Pokemon that we found it back from vice principal aria at chs today right now?"

Juniper: "10?"

Handelbarb: "8?"

Coach code red: "6?"

Vinyl: "nope wrong, it's 46 Titan Pokemon from every multiverses and planets in outer rim."

They dumbfounded of surprised about 46 Titan Pokemons from multiverses and planets in outer rim and coach code red give out surprised whistle and said to them, "it's going to Long Titan Pokemons season ever, guys." Handelbarb replied, "you said it mr. Red it's going to be awesome and tell my friends about it at the creek, they will be surprised after hearing it from me."

Juniper: "you said it kiddo."

[New chapter is out for today]

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