story of lost engine

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At 2:15 pm

Dictator clavell sitting in his desk reading a book called 'lost engine' and begin reading it, "lady is small, Victorian-style tank engine who served as the Guardian of magical railroad, using her magic to keep the words of shining time & sodor alive. She is currently own and protected by Burnett stone, her driver." He very impressed about tank engine who served as the Guardian of magical railroad being own and protected Burnett Stone until he heard a knocked on the door by a person and said nicley, "enter." Person open the door forward really wide to reveal jacq enter the office with chalce and Rarifort approach his desk with jacq noticed lost engine book in dictator clavell hands.

Jacq: "are you reading the lost engine from entrance hall didn't you, because it's a myth like legendary heroes of universes, the league of section alliances."

Dictator clavell: "I know but it's so marvelous to read it that's all."

Rarifort: "okay."

He continues reading it out loud, "lady belonged to the conductor family and was entrusted to Burnett stone to keep her safe. When she later came to the island of sodor, she was found by diesel 10, the evil engine who wanted to destroy her. Lady and Burnett stone both ran away from him, but during the chase, Burnett used up all her coal and made her go too fast, causing diesel 10 to catch up and crash her. Lady was taken back to muffin mountain and stored inside Burnett's workshop, where he spent years desperately trying to restore her to working order, but he did not have the right coal to make her stream." He closed the book after that with warm smile on his face to hear that story and said to his staffs, "you three wanna ask me some reason."

Jacq: "yes."

A tiny corvette raced over above paldea region in 15 feet firing lasers at air Erwin star destroyer pursing it. The bolts glanced off of star destroyer's powerful shields, leaving not even a scratch on a gargantuan hull. The star destroyer fired laser bolts of its own towards it quarry, rocking corvette, which seemed tiny corvette to the air Erwin star destroyer. Inside the corvette, pirates weequay aimed their weapons at the door they were eyeing on as other pirates rushed down in the hallway to the door. A huge explosion from the door rocked the corvette as one of pirates look back at the others, "when they come different door?" The smoke poured from the door to explode after that for section 46 armored agents enter the door and pirates began open fired on the agents continue their advance down the passage with amored lady enter the corvette towards two armored agents and said with familiar voice, "grabbed their supplies you can and bring to the ship."

Armored agent #1: "yes ma'am."

Armored agent #2: "what about the pirates commander gardenia."

Armored lady is gardenia the gym leader of eterna city, sinnoh region in pokemon alternate world number one and said to them coldy, "wiped them out! All of them."

Armored agents: "yes ma'am."

Then another armored agent carried sleepy nine years old girl rodian with green teal skin in his arms toward the commander who in shock to see her and he said to her in sadness, "I found her at holding cell and I think those pirates kidnapped her at planet rodia since few days ago."

Commander gardenia: "take her to medical bay."

Armored agent #3: "yes commander."

In 2⅓ hours, the ship released the corvette straight down to arboliva forest it got safe distance in huge open space the ship crashed to the ground and explode with powerful sound that everyone from artazon town hear it.

Lucca: "what in the world was that?"

[New chapter is out for today]

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