operation: misty overcome fear begins

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Misty following Victoria from equestria girls/mlp universe three in the corridor toward briefing room 1-2 along with Ashley quinlan, velduck, daisy wallflower, and Petra ral from alternate world number two.

Misty: "there's wavalo want to see me in the briefing room."

The group try not to chuckle with Victoria told her with a lie, "yup, because you love water type pokemon at Kanto region after all." Misty smile going to meet with wavalo from mahala region for first time when she enter the briefing room to see him but instead she became scared to bug type pokemons inside the briefing room with Victoria closed the door quick and lock it with a key that captain Ackerman handed it to her.


she turned around the door to see Victoria with smug grin through the window and approach it begins smacked on the window really hard and said in fear, "let me out, let me out!" Victoria replied, "nope, this is your own good to overcome your fear of bug types pokemon in nine hours."

Daisy: "yup, don't worry there's a security camera in right side of corner  on the front with everyone watching from mission control room right now."

Misty: "don't leave me, please."

Victoria: "sorry kiddo, byeeeeee!"

The group left heading somewhere in section 46 to leave misty being locked up in briefing room with bug types pokemon for nine hours to overcome her fear when she turned around to look down to see grubbin right front of her in 3⅔ feet make her more scared having stare down to each other.

Misty: "stay away from me, grubbin."

She begins sliding on the wall to the right away from grubbin a bit and stop to see grubber standing on table in fourth row with puppy eyes look at misty for a second to cause her to screaming really loud inside briefing room and starting running away in fear toward corner for safe but six goobugs and venonat toward her.

Mission control room with everyone enjoy watching on huge screen to see misty give out bloody scream sitting in the corner for being trapped by seven bugs pokemon including captain Ackerman, captain Yvonne, principal berrytwist, dean sonata, saki saki from girlfriend, girlfriend universe two and darkwing duck smug grin.

Saki saki: "this is too funny right now, hahahaha."

Principal berrytwist: "indeed."

Darkwing duck got a good idea for a second and said to them with surprise, "I got idea, what about we send more bug pokemon inside the briefing room with her." Saki saki replied, "great thinking dw." The trio agree with him about sending more bug types pokemon inside the briefing room with misty as captain Ackerman look at male staff and said, "bring more bug types pokemon to the briefing room with misty."

Male staff: "yes ma'am."

[New chapter is out for today]

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