the explain

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At section 33 briefing room without tables and chairs for captain duck and the the rest gathered around in front of pokemon professor mystery mint stand behind the chalkboard who explain to them, "that's new phenomenon you dealing with is rampage phenomenon."

Lemonade: "rampage phenomenon?"

Zipp: "what's that exactly?"

Professor mint: "in the wild of agoros region in pokemon original universe when pokemon exposed to a rampage vein's health falls below half it become overcome by the power of the rampage, giving it a second wind and giving off a strange dark aura aswell as beginning to show aggressive behavior not present previously into monstrous form size with new power. You need defeats it six times make wild pokemon return to normal."

The group shocked in fear about rampage phenomenon turned wild pokemon into rampage pokemon in monstrous form size with new power from agoros region in pokemon original universe that's mean rampage dark aura show up in every mulitverses and alternate worlds to absorb every wild pokemon into rampage pokemon.

Captain Ackerman: "we need new occupation for rampage pokemon with new ranks and armor for people and creatures from the universes and alternate worlds except for high school of the dead original universe and two, and zom 100 original universe.  Including new flares for our spotters."

Then captain duck got a idea for new occupation deal with wild rampage pokemon and said to them in surprise, "I got new occupation for wild rampage pokemon, " It's wild rampage pokemon busters to battle against wild rampage pokemon with aggressive behavior to attacking someone in the cities and captured it with their partner." Captain Ackerman replied, "good thinking Huey." Then he look at lemonade blue, zipp storm, sandy rose, and windy with a smile and said, "how you kids join section 33 as wild rampage pokemon busters as team leader, captain, commander, and sergeant." Lemonade blue replied, "sure we'll be honored. I'll be team leader."

Zipp storm: "just call me captain zipp storm."

Sandy: "commander sandy Rose, i like it."

Sandy: "sergeant Sandy, reporting for duty."

Captain duck: "excellent, I need someone in section 33 to be lieutenant."

Captain Ackerman: "we send our agents to multiverse and alternate world to recruit everyone and creature as wild rampage pokemon busters instead of highschool of the dead original universe and universe three."

Captain duck: "good thinking mikasa."

Chloe: "what about their armor?"

Captain duck: "it will be done in six days."

Nifa: "sounds good to us then."

professor mystery mint: "and wild rampage pokemon mission control room."

Captain duck: "good idea, it will be done in three months."

[New chapter is out for today]

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