rainbow first dna digivolve training [edited]

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2:13 pm

section 41 training ground with rainbow dash standing in middle of field along side with betamon doing dna digivolve transformation for first time, she staring at shuu iura from horimiya universe four: izumi x Remi edition In left side while being watched by commander pie, superintendent diamond double, laura bodewig, squirrel Girl from ultimate spider man original universe, marvel world, night glider, and mayor poopenmeyer who came to visit section 41 to watch dna digivolve training while sitting in the bleachers in West Side.

Shuu: "are you ready doing dna digivolve training with betamon, rainbow?"

Rainbow: "ready."

Shuu: "excellent."

Magical red digital circle above them at 6 feet away on cue for rainbow dash and betamon started glow blue and orange aura inside of them.

Rainbow: "rainbow dash!"

Betamon: "betamon!"

They flew up in the air toward circle with doing twirl each other and said, "dna digivolve to...." They went through the circle made red light glows really bright for a second and faded away to reveal new transformation between rainbow dash & betamon is giant  female sky serpent with blue teal skin with red dragon wings in the back on both sides, a sharp dark red rail, and a green head. Her eyes is light blue. Begins to speak with rainbow dash & betamon in same time, "skydramon!"

Superintendent double diamond: "woah, that thing is huge I ever saw."

Mayor poopenmeyer: "you said it mr. Diamond."

Night glider: "that's betamon ultimate level transformation, skydramon. She use that form for battle against three phenomenon and Titan pokemon."

Mayor poopenmeyer: "not bad, ms. Glider."

Commander pie impressive for her protege doing first dna digivolve training with betamon transform into skydramon first time for battle against three phenomenon and Titan pokemon in other universes and outer rim. Meanwhile at aot alternate world number three with Sasha, Zoe hange, and Connie Springer at the market just wondering around bit before heading back to mansion.

"Hey guys."

They turned around of surprise to see phantom pyroar, detective porco wallflower, black widow from marvel's spiderman original universe, marvel world, and kazuyu kujo from gosick original universe in modern edition without mystery and historical standing behind the portal of section 32 Northwest corridor in 2nd floor, they run toward them and stop as Sasha said to them, "hey, what are you all doing here?" Porco replied, "we're here to check everything alright if wild tera pokemon and wild rampage pokemon show up here."

Marley soldier #1: "don't worry kid, we keep a eyes on them in the city."

Male citizen #1: "yeah."

Hange: "thanks for doing that guys."

Phantom pyroar: "you're welcome."

At section 41 fitness room with wallflower blush in section 41 workout uniform got boxing gloves who already punching against hanging punching bag on the stand, she delivered right punch in right side of punching bag for a brief moment.

"Hey there, ms. Blush."

She stop for a minute to turn around to give warm smile on her face to see riche hayashi again from her original universe yesterday who arrived at fitness room approach wallflower flower and stop, she said to riche in kindness, "what are you doing here, cutie?" She replied, "come here to ask you something like going on a date with me this weekend in my original universe like a movie." She stunned of surprise got asking out a date by beautiful girl going to movie theater this weekend as first date ever and she said, "of course babe."

Riche: "wonderful, pick me up at my place around 7:16 pm on Saturday."

Wallflower: "you got it hotstuff."

Meanwhile back at mlp infected original universe

At canterlot, in the castle upper balcony with co-captain flash sentry is very curious look to see futuristic ships above ponyville inside the shield from miles away that he never seen before until he saw something come out underneath star destroyer fly straight to North heading towards the forests.

"Something wrong sir?"

He turned around to see trio of guard approach him on balcony with confused look as flash said to the trio, "you guys don't believe there futuristic ships above ponyville some reason."  They join him on the balcony becoming shocked to see futuristic ships above ponyville too aswell and one of guard said to him, "what's going on here, sir. Why the ships over there above ponyville."

Flash: "I don't know soldier, but we should tell the princess about it."

Guard #1: "good idea sir."

[New edited chapter is out for today]

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