first wild rampage pokemon battle

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Mlp alternate world number five: Spike's custody edition

On Thursday August 15th, unknown modern era in equestria during 1:14 pm

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On Thursday August 15th, unknown modern era in equestria during 1:14 pm

East Side of town with lyra and bon trotting together toward sugar cube corner for a moment until they stop to see hitmonlee got yellow glowing aura eyes with Rampage aura inside of him and just standing there in middle of neighborhood at ten feet away started growing in golurk size got dark gray maroon across the body as his skin turn rock like-skin , the skirt turned into spike sharp rocks skirt and same gloves with tiny cone sharp rocks in the front. His gloves and large shoulder pads still the same. He becomes rock and fighting type.


He delivered punch in the hole of the house at right side that alarm everyponies with scared expression  when he levitate medium size boulder with his right glove begin throwing toward the duo quick until lyra fire energy beam from tip of the horn to blast boulder into pieces and fire energy beam once again at wild rampage hitmonchan in upper chest with direct hit cause little bit of damage.

Lyra: "take that you punk!"

An portal show up behind the duo in 6⅔ feet away begin open up to reveal section 33's hanger 1-C with commander sandy rose, nightdecidueye, anais fiquet from code lyoko original universe in section 33 jumpsuit with light yellow stripes and pokebelt around beltloop, spider man noir, and Lady misdreavus come out from the portal to them come face with wild rampage hitmonchan.

Anais: "yo! That wild rampage pokemon you talking about commander rose."

She pulled out pokeball in right hand begin replied to her who pulled out pokeball, "yup, let's battle it as professional." They then toss in the air to call out their pokemon.

Anais: "go mudkip!"

Commander rose: "come out, molossoal!"

They come out their pokeball to outside join forces with spider noir who shoot the web at building swing on and landed on the roof and Lady misdreavus started levitating in the sky from the ground battle against wild rampage pokemon.

Anais: "use water gun!"

He fired water gun straight toward hitmon was about to use harden for blocking the attack until spider man noir shoot up small webs in the eyes make him blind to cancel the harden for water gun hit him in the face is super effective with medium halfway critical damage.

Thunderlane: "alright direct hit."

Minuette: "way to go guys."

Caramel: "that's showing him who boss."

Lady misdreavus summoned shadow aura ball appear in her hand to stare at him with glowing teal eyes and said, "take this, you Ruffin." She give air blow kiss at shadow aura ball straight toward him who gain his vision from the webs and noticed it straight toward him quick with direct hit in the face make little bit damage.

Commander rose: "use brick break!"

He begin running toward him for a leap to take a leap right front of his face begin delivered brick break on right cheek make hitmonchan back up bit and his damage is half quarter heavily critical damage from the attack cause him started glowing rampage aura again begin shrinking down quick into his normal state in dizzy mode, anais pull out pokeball begin throwing toward dizzy hitmonchan quick and captured with red beam went inside the ball whom falling down on the ground gently and lock it after that.


Vinyl: "that's wassup."

Spider man noir: "congratulations kiddo."

She and her pokemon walk over there to receive pokeball when commander turned around to see black widow and rika violet exit the portal to join them.

Commander rose: " So did one of  busters capture wild rampage pokemon from universe."

Rika: "it's section 33 wild rampage buster private aki mizuguchi capture wild rampage huski at John Arbuckle in the Garfield original universe in 2009 edition with the help of her partner, mercub, the aridos man, atom ant, and section 32 wild tera pokemon catcher ymir from aot universe eight."

Nightdecidueye: "great."

Lyra: "awesome."

Commander rose: "not good for them."

Rika pull out a cigarette from her mouth to blow a smoke then flick it out at left side and looked at them with serious expression, "yup, but we need prepared for another rampage pokemon from every universes and alternate worlds." Black widow replied, "good thinking rika."

[New chapter is out for today]

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