welcome to blueberry academy, apple bloom

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Pokemon Original universe at 9:15 am on Wednesday

Lambda-class T-4a shuttle flying above the ocean in 23 feet away toward blueberry academy, inside passenger cargo with apple bloom in blueberry academy girl uniform sitting at right side of cargo with big Mac, granny Smith, double diamond, and zofia Braun, then apple bloom look at double diamond with curious look on her face, "who own blueberry academy over there, Mr. Diamond." He replied, "spitfire blaze wife, Carmine blaze. She's nice and kind person from outside and inside well you getting nightmare for a week."

Apple bloom: "oh."

Diamond double: "they got teraium under the sea with four areas, each seperate with a crystalline border, Savannah, coastal, canyon, and polar biome."

Granny smith: "that's fancy academy across unova region in mah life, boy."

Big mac: "eeyup."

Then the voice turn on from intercom with person talking inside speaker, "arrived at blueberry academy. Prepare to land in two minutes." The intercom turn off after that and granny Smith said to her granddaughter with serious tone, "ah hope you make new friends and pokemon at yer new academy, youngin' understand me." Apple bloom replied, "yes granny, ah talk with you, applejack, and big Mac on mah rotom phone only."

Granny Smith: "yup during the weekends and holidays."

Big mac: "eeyup."

In two minutes later

The shuttle parked at blueberry academy helipad with the group exit the shuttle to outside that surprised apple family see blueberry academy first time until noticed Carmine blaze and two blueberry academy elite guards by her side.

And apple bloom thought to herself, "Carmine blaze in person, she married to spitfire blaze the team leader of wild tera pokemon catcher squadron in section 46 from equestria girls/mlp original universe

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And apple bloom thought to herself, "Carmine blaze in person, she married to spitfire blaze the team leader of wild tera pokemon catcher squadron in section 46 from equestria girls/mlp original universe." Carmine approach them begun introduced herself to apple bloom nicley, "I am Carmine blaze, the dictator of blueberry academy and very nice to meet you in person Ms. Apple for first time." Apple bloom replied, "you too dictator blaze."

Dictator blaze: "let take a tour the whole blueberry academy for a while."

Granny Smith: "of course dearie."

Section 32 main lobby with sentaor riyo and her guards is dumbfounded of surprised to see section 32 while being underneath the whole Royal woods and captain sharp said to her in polite, "pretty impassive, huh."

Senator riyo: "yup."

Captain sharp: "have you seen wild tera pokemon and wild rampage pokemon in your home planet at outer rim."

Senator riyo: "nope, we got wild  pokemon over there getting along with nice wild animals in the city."

Captain sharp: "don't worry you will."

Back at mlp infected original universe at 10:15 am

In the sky little bit far from ponyville, an section 41 transporter come out lightspeed with two tie fighters escorted transporter toward ponyville.

[New chapter is out for today]

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