return of superheroes

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At section 33 during 1:15 pm

In the office with captain duck humming peacefully doing organizated the books in the bookshelf alphabetized until he heard a knock on the door by someone inside his office

Captain duck: "enter.'

Futuristic automatic door open byself to went right to reveal eld gin with shocking discovery on his face enter the office with lois Lane from my adventures with Superman original universe, DC verse approach him who noticed them as he said to them with confused, " What's wrong you two? It's pokemon storage room machine goes wired again."

Eld: "nope it's working fine, sir."

Captain duck: "what is it then?"

Lois: "welll, we found another superheroes from pokemon alternate world number one, lycrois recoil universe five, equestria girls/mlp alternative universe three, and mlp alternate number five."

Captain duck surprised: "really, how many superheroes are there."

Lois: "sixteen."

Captain duck: "not bad, I think they might join in one of sections to team up with our fellow agents fighting against wild rampage, wild tera pokemon, bad guys, Titan pokemon, and gigantamax pokemon from every universe soon as possible."

Eld: "good thinking boss."

Lois: "yeah, I hope one of superheroes show up here to ask you to section 33 as we speak."

Then all of sudden rika and dictator nemona enter the office with rika said to him in kindness, "yo boss man, there's two superhero from lycoris recoil universe five at main lobby who wanted to see you." Lois blink twice of surprise for getting right about two superheroes show here at section 33 who wanted to captain duck section for first time.

[New chapter is out for today]

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