meet the recruits

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Section 27 Northwest corridor during 12:05 pm

Dendra, rainbow dash, and the rest walking in the corridor toward section 27 training ground going to meet with new recruits of wild rampage busters squadron.

Dendra: "hehehe, I'm excited to meet new fresh meat to join wild rampage busters squadron."

Dawn: "me too, dudette.  That why I signed up as lieutenant of wild rampage busters squadron make my family, friends, girlfriend, and boyfriend proud from my alternative universe."

Rainbow: "serena Yvonne like you and ash in a same time?"

Dawn: "yup, she thinks I'm cute and charming from Sinnoh region."

Vince: "noice."

Maki: "awesome."

Inside training ground with thirsty one recruits standing in line at middle of training ground going to meet their rank officers for first time, when sarha kinomiya from Pokemon alternative universe four turned her head to the right at annie leonheart from aot universe nine: Sasha x Annie in modern era edition and she said to her kindness, "so you join section 27 as wild rampage busters too, huh." She replied, "yeah, it was my girlfriend told me about it since two days ago at her place last night in my universe."

Sarha: "that's nice."

Then they saw wild rampage busters ranks leaders entered training ground toward them make sarha give out little shocked gasp to see the girl with blue navy hair look like her friend dawn from sinnoh region at her universe for a moment when they stop in front of them with maki began shoutout in anger and happily, "WELCOME MAGGOTS TO SECTION 27 WILD RAMPAGE BUSTERS SQUADRON. LET ME INTRODUCE I'M MAKI ZENIN THE LEADER OF WILD RAMPAGE BUSTERS SQUADRON. MEET YOUR RANKS OFFICERS." Vince Chung step forward bit as mika begins introduce her to everyone with calm voice, "meet captain Vince Chung from American dad original universe."

Captain Vince: "greetings newbies."

Dendra and dawn step forward with smug grin on their faces at new recruits.

Mika: "meet sergeant dendra at paldea region from Pokemon universe eight and lieutenant dawn from Pokemon alternative universe two."

Several female recruits is age 17 through 27 started blushed on their faces at sergeant and lieutenant until maki said to them with surprise twist, "dendra dating nurse Miriam at naranja academy in paldea region and Dawn dating ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne. That shocking I know but she won't mind at all for charming lieutenant. Hehehe." Kotoha isone from yozakura quartet original universe without action and supernatural at 2nd row becoming shocked to hear from lieutenant dawn got boyfriend and girlfriend in her alternative universe for Mika continue on with rainbow dash step forward began introduce her, "this is commander rainbow dash from mlp alternate world number two."

Rainbow: "s'up newbies."

Mika: "listen up, there's new phenomenon that we facing its wild rampage turned Pokemon into frenzy, causing them to grow in size and power with strange dark aura and exposed to a rampage vein's health below it half. We need defeat it in five times with the help and your partners and our new friends from any of sections for returning wild rampage Pokemon into normal. Catch it as your partner or put them in shelves inside Pokemon storage for fellow busters chose it as new partners."

Rainbow: "and new armor will be done in five days so we wearing jumpsuit until then. Understand."

Wild rampage busters recruits: "yes ma'am."

[New chapter is out for today]

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