serena Yvonne in section 32

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Pokemon alternate world number one

Lumoise city stadium during 11:45 am at backstage waiting room with Serena in showcase performance costume sitting a booth behind the wall next to the entrance in seven feet away along with other performers just resting from her performance by her three pokemon standing right front of her.

"Good job out there Serena."

They saw her friends enter backstage room approach them and stop ash said to her in kindness, "you were amazing out there, Serena With beautiful dance I ever saw." She started blushed at her childhood crushed talking about beautiful dance at stage with her pokemon until she noticed something quick and said to him, "are you heading back to pallet town tomorrow at 6:15 pm." Ash replied, "yup, I need more rest before heading to unknown region with new pokemon again right buddy." Pikachu on right shoulder blade to give out agreement cry, "Pikachu, pika."

Serena: "can I come with you too at pallet town because I want to see professor oak and your mother again, that's okay with you."

Ash happily: "sure I won't mind at all."

Bonnie got smug grin on her face to see ash and Serena with blushes on their faces that's mean they like each other until a portal show up at backstage waiting room right front of them in ten feet away who noticed it begins open up to reveal section 32 main lobby with two armored agents and falegion in leader form walk through the portal to backstage waiting room with them.

Armored agent #1: "Serena Yvonne!"

Serena: "yes."

Armored agent #2: "come with us because the boss want to see you for a bit."

Serena: "of course."

She getting up on the bench to look at her friends with a warm smile, "don't worry I'll be back real quick." Serena join them to section 32 until ash stop her with hand on right bare shoulder was about say something to her until falegion stop him to back up bit with his spear that alarm everyone in the waiting room with Pikachu got sparks in both red cheeks to use thunderbolt on him for moment she stop him with calm voice, "it's okay, make them join us, please." He lower spear down make Pikachu calm down for him and ash join them with the armored agents decided agree and continue walking through the portal to section 32 and it closed after that.

Bonnie: "who's the boss over there want Serena so bad, brother."

Dedenne: "dedenne."

Clemont: "beats me, bonnie?"


Section 32 on a Monday night

Serena and her group is speechless to see section 32 is very futuristic while being underneath the whole Royal woods during 7:30 pm, they saw captain sharp approach them with a smile on her face to see Serena Yvonne for first time and she brought ash Ketchum and Pikachu with them.

Captain sharp: "greetings I'm captain sharp the head of section 32 and very nice to meet you for first time, kiddo."

Serena: "you too ma'am, why you want to see me lately?'

Captain sharp: "Your mother from your hometown told me to recruit you as wild tera pokemon catcher. It's four years ago in your alternate world."

Ash: "say what?"

Serena: "my mom?"

Captain sharp: "yup, she right thing to do that for you become wild tera pokemon catcher as new job that's mean you will quit to be pokemon showcase performer, what you say kiddo."

Serena Crossed her arms underneath e-cup breasts inside the dress who got disappointed look on her face about her mother for Serena join section 32 as wild tera pokemon catcher and quit  as pokemon showcase performer but she give warm smile for her mom doing right thing to do that and said to her in kindness, "I'm in, captain."

Captain sharp: "excellent, welcome to section 32 kiddo."

Ash happy for childhood friend/crush joining section 32 as wild tera pokemon catcher for first time with captain sharp noticed him and said, "how do you like to join section 32 as wild tera pokemon catcher like your friend to battle every type of pokemon from every universes with new team that you two can pick out at section 32 storage room." He and Pikachu give out smug expression on their faces after hearing offered from captain sharp.

Ash: "of course I'm in."

Captain sharp: " Alright, I'm happy for you working with us on next Wednesday because you two need some rest."

Ash: "sounds good to us."

Serena: "yup."

Vaniville town, kalos region-yvonee residence

Living room with Grace sitting in the couch got fletching on right shoulder just watching TV until they noticed Sasha braus from aot universe 8 and party favor walk down the stairs with paintcan and paint brush in Sasha hands and party favor holding trash bag with something inside.

Grace: "thanks you two for doing that."

Sasha: "no problem Mrs. Yvonne, we're just doing our job."

Party favor: "yup, we burn the trash at dragon land lava from rainbow dash former homeworld of equestria."

[New chapter is out for today]

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