unexpected wake up call

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Iridia give out small groaning to open her eyes to stare at white tale ceiling with candless light really bright because laying down in a bed begins leading up bit with the blanket down.

"Good your awake."

She turned her head to the left see strange people wearing strange clothes in the room with her got confused and scared expression with captain Ackerman said to her in kindness, "I am mikasa Ackerman the head of section 41, it's very nice to meet you iridia in person." Iridia Replied, "section 41? What is it exactly? It's galaxy team's survey base in cobalt coastlands." Asuka and drew give out chuckle about section 41 is galaxy team survey base in her realm when they getting punched in the elbows by rainbow dash & cornelia elfien with annoying look and night glider begins to explain, "section 41 is government underground facility underneath the whole paradise Island that everyone and pokemon don't know about."

Iridia: "really."

Night glider: "yup."

Captain Ackerman: "what do you get here, kiddo?"

Iridia: "i walking through the forest in crimson Mainland for delightedful stroll
just then, arecus show up nowhere in front of me."

Cornelia: "really then what happened?"

Iridia: "don't know, I end up here in this strange town with weird technology."

Captain Ackerman know what happened  is arecus send iridia in original realm as new home and he made clone of herself to take her place in hiuis realm and she said to her with shocking news, "I believe arecus send you here as new home with new technology that you never seen before because he made a clone of yourself to take your place as new Lord of pearl settlement of hiusi realm." She's in shock of disbelief about arecus that she knew for sending her here as new home with new technology while her clone take her former duty as lord of pearl settlement of hiusi realm forever. She got sad look on her face with tears pour down from the cheek to look at the group, "where I go to live at anyway?" Then lieutenant chizuru ichinose from rent a girlfriend universe two who got fit body inside jumpsuit got pink stripes in both sides and pokebelt around the beltloop step in to answer iridia question, "you can stayed with me at my place from my universe."

The group surprise for chizuru offered iridia stayed with her at her apartment in rent a girlfriend universe two as iridia new home for now on and she got little bit blush on her face at chizuru without staring at muscular arms begins replied, "you mean it." Chizuru said, "yup, I take you a tour the whole city and meet my friends from college."

Iridia: "sounds good to me."

Captain Ackerman: "you need a job too kiddo."

Night glider: "what about you can recruit her as wild rampage pokemon buster, captain."

Captain Ackerman: "good thinking night glider."

Luna: "wonderful idea Ms. Glider."

Rainbow: "that's wassup, I knew you brains inside of the heads of yours."

Corneila: "yeah."

Iridia become confused from inside what they talking about this wild rampage pokemon buster and decided get along with it, "thank you for doing that, captain Ackerman." She replied, "no problem kiddo. Hey have you seen wild tera pokemon before?"

Iridia: "the what?"

Asuka: "don't worry you will."

[New chapter is out for today]

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