comet moonstone in section 46 part two

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The group arrived balcony of giant garage with vehicles getting built by mechanics and repair droids that's surprised rainbow and comet to see it when Marnie said to them, "this is garage that our fellow mechanics and repair droids built our vehicles going to space, ocean, sky, and land for our fellow agents going on dangerous missions."

Rainbow: "pretty impressive I ever saw."

Comet: "me too rainbow they look futuristic in real life."

Megan: "you said it little buddy."

Then Megan got a idea inside of her head for a second and said to comet in kindness, "hey buddy, you haven't seen wild tera pokemon in real life before from your alternative universe." Comet shaking his head of response to Megan question about haven't seen wild tera pokemon in real life before from their alternative universes before and Marnie said to him, "don't worry little dude, after tour over, you two come with our fellow catchers going one of universes to battle against wild tera pokemon"

Comet: "sounds good to us, Marnie. Thank you."

Marnie: "anytime little man."

"Hello there."

They turned around to see detective colt grice from aot universe three with a smile with Marnie introduces the duo to him, "meet section 33 detective colt grice from aot universe three, he's detective at Marleyan HQ police station in liberio liberty City."

Rainbow: "(thought) he's detective! Great I need to tell him about the bruises on comet back by his abusive father."

Colt: "very nice to meet you two.'

Rainbow: " You too colt."

Comet: "you're detective?"

Colt: "yup, I solve mystery murder case by bad people and take them in prison forever."

Comet: "cool."

Colt: "can I tag along the tour with you guys."

Rainbow happily: "of course detective."

They then continue on the tour in section 46 for a while before heading to wild tera pokemon mission with other catchers in one of universes very soon.

[New chapter is out for today]

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