awkward reunion surprise

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At 12:43 pm

Canterlot high command center with drew & Chloe talking to shining armor, armin arlet, and toola roola right next to holotable for a brief moment, until rA-7 protocol droid enter the room and said, "excuse me! master drew, ms. Cerise." They look at protocol droid as Chloe said to him in kindness, "what is it rA-7?"

RA-7: "you two got visitors."

Chloe: "who is it?"

On cue for alola/world champion ash Ketchum and lilie enter the command center with Hermes that shocked the duo to see their former leaders of dark aura force is their visitors and drew said to them very awkwardly, "um, hi guys how you two doing lately at new new York." Ash replied, "great." They started awkwardly to each other make everyone in command center very uncomfortable when tootla clear her throat and said, "have you three heard we have 45 Titan pokemon in every universes and alternate worlds now."

Hermes: "wonderful mon, it's going to be long Titan pokemon season ever."

Lillie: "you said it hermes, anyway, captain Yvonne let us go with you guys battle against another Titan pokemon sometimes."

Chloe: "wow really. It's wonderful to hear that, Lillie."

Drew: "yup."

Ash: "how's everyone doing back at your universe lately, they still mad at me and Lillie."

Drew: "yup, and misty overcome her fear of bug types pokemon for first time."

Ash surprise for his former travel companion and team dark aura grunt who overcome her fear of bug types pokemon for first time like iris and his girlfriend did and he said to duo in happiness, "I'm proud of misty for overcome her fear of bug types pokemon. Good for her then." Chloe said to Lillie with surprise, "oh, your brother defeat Gigantamax pokemon in dna digivolve for first time."

Lillie: "really that's great I'm proud of him. But I want to see him if he still mad at me and ash what we did."

Armin: "we still don't know what gladion still mad at you two or not but I'll talk with him at section 27 by 6:13 pm for you want to see him without your family noticed it."

Lillie: "good thinking armin."

Meanwhile at ponyville command center, general diamond mint at her office with chiba erika and leo who picked chiba up from school in few hours ago.

Diamond mint: "welcome aboard to section 46, ms. Erika."

Chiba happily: "thank you general mint."

Diamond mint: "leo take you to pokemon storage room in first floor for you pick out your partner and four pokemon you want."

Chiba: "yes ma'am."

"Excuse me, general."

They turned around to see TC-14 enter the office then diamond mint said to him in kindness, "what is it TC-14?" He replied, "watto from mos espa on planet Tatoonie coming here tomorrow by 1:14 pm for handed us some electro dissipater, engine couplings, and everything. It's captain nano idea."

Diamond mint: "sounds good, thank you for telling me that TC-14."

TC-14: "you're welcome ma'am."

Section 46 pokemon storage room with infected comet tail, perseder tommy Oliver at ghost/dragon type shelf for Tommy place captured pokeball on carton make dusk evenfall surprise to see storage room from inside crystal ball.

Dusk: "I can't believe to see section 46 storage room for first time ever."

Discord: "yup."

Tommy look at comet tail with a smile and said, "how do you to look around the whole section 46 for a while before heading home." He replied, "of course Tommy I happy to explore the whole section 46."

Dusk: " Yay."

[New chapter is out for today]

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