the trade

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Lambda-class t-4a shuttle flying down to mesagoza city towards academy frontyard with Mr. Jacq, geeta, dictator clavell, chalce, Larry, penny, hassel, and nemona who noticed it.

Geeta: "here they come, dictator."

Dictator clavell: "now everyone, treat them nicely as normal people in paldea region."

Everyone agree with dictator and continue staring at shuttle just arrived at academy and stop in middle of yard at right side facing towards as wings goes up begin to land with landing pads come out underneath the shuttle with the group walk toward it with Jedi Knight kamiya and commander gardina walk down the ramp to outside along with three air Erwin star destroyer officers pushing hovering crates as dictator clavell give friendly greet them, "welcome my friends to naranja academy, I am dictator clavell. What business you bring here." Kamiya replied, "well, you see dictator, we're having trade in with another space gang known as kanjiclub because they excited their trade from the pirates that guavian death gang so they coming here with trade for their weapons and mystery present."

Dictator clavell: "oh dear, that's awful to hear it, where you doing trade with them, my friend."

Commander gardina: "at middle mesagoza city huge battlefield."

Geeta: "let me, dictator, chalce, penny, and nemona go with you all doing a trade with kanjiclub."

Commander gardina: "of course ma'am."

Nemona look up in the sky become little bit shocked to kanjiclub's sheathipede-class trasnport shuttle towards mesagoza city and said to them, "here they come now!" Then chalce said, "I think they mad at you right now, guys." Commander replied, "yup."

In few seconds later

The group climbing down the last steps of stairs towards battlefield with parked shuttle in middle to see tasu leech and his gang standing in front of shuttle with little bit angry look on their faces and chalce said, "yup, they very mad right now." Tasu speak nar kanji angry at them, "you scums made mistake for taking our stuffs from the pirates." Kamiya speak their language to replied back to them, "I know we sorry about that alright but you guys didn't realize but they kidnapped girl rodian from her home planet." They're shocked to hear from her about pirates who trade with them just kidnapped rodian at her home planet as tasu said to her calmy, "where little rodian at?"

Kamiya: "at star destroyer right now. We taking her home after this trade."

He agreed with her begins snapped his finger that cue for another pirate come out from the shuttle while pushing hovering scratcher with separatist power down b1-series battle droid without one arm that shocked the group as kamiya said to them, "why you got separatist B1-series battle droid during the clone Wars." Tasu replied, "we bought it from jawas on planet tatooine since six days ago."

Commander gardina: "(thought) we fix it as assistant droid to dictator clavell at the academy. Perfect."

Kamiya: "sounds good to us then tasu."

Nemona: "alright."

Chalce: "not bad at all."

[New chapter is out for today]

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