the assembly

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Everyone at the auditorium for mystery assembly by principal Luna some reason and noticed armored people holding standings in both sides of auditorium with futuristic weapons in their hands as rainbow sitting her friends in second row began whisper to them, "what's with armored people in the auditorium?" Rarity replied, "I don't know darling, their fashion is little bit wonderful while holding futuristic weapons."

Twilight: "I never seen them before in canterlot city."

Applejack: "me too sugarcube."

They stop talking each to heard footsteps on the stage by someone approach front, it's commander pie with both hands behind and stop to look at everyone that shocked from rainbow dash and her friends.

Rainbow: "no way, the girl look like pinkie pie right now."

Applejack: "she is pinkie pie. Dash."

Pinkie: "wowie."

Fluttershy: "she got strict and mean look."

Pinkie: "yeah."

She clear her throat and begin to speak in the microphone to them little bit nicely, "greetings, I am pinkie pie from my universe and commander of section 41 air Erwin star destroyer. You all know I'm here to talk about you maggots join the league of section alliances because we need more new recruits that superintendent double diamond who agreed with section alliances after felt lost of sunset shimmer from anon-a-miss made by cmc." Everyone looking at rarity, applejack, and rainbow dash with angry glares for their sisters made anon-a-miss website from theirs jealousy to took out sunset shimmer life but she back from the grave from demon heart as monstrous girl until sonata grandmother cast a spell on sunset shimmer returns to normal.

Commander pie: "(thought) geeze tough crowd."

Commander pie begins speak again, "listen up, you can pick one of occupation you want like pilots, wild tera pokemon catchers, armored agents, wild tera pokemon spotter, wild rampage pokemon busters, terastal crystal miners, and anything. It will make your family proud. Who want to join sections, rise your hands up." Rainbow give out guilty sigh decided to join one of section make her mom proud once again begins raised one hand up along with eleven people that's shocked her friends then commander pie give out delightful smile on her face to see it and said, "wonderful, meet me at backstage after assembly alright."

After assembly over

The backstage with rainbow walk up to commander pie who shaking hands with roseluck for a second and left after that to walk pass by rainbow to give cute wink at her.

Rainbow: "(thought) woah, I think roseluck like me for first time."

She stop in front of commander pie begins to speak in kindness, "which of one sections do you like to join kiddo, there section 27, section 46, section 33, and section 41, and section 32." Rainbow replied, "section 41 as wild tera pokemon catcher."

Commander pie: "excellent welcome to big league kid because you gonna need it."

They then shake hands for rainbow join section 41 as wild tera pokemon catcher for first time ever and let go after that with rainbow dash turned around to see her friends with worried & scared expression and applejack said to her, "what in tarnation you join this section 41 place rainbow?"

Rainbow: "to make my mom proud again what scootaloo and her friends did."

Rarity: "they made terrible mistakes and getting expelled at chs from former principle celestia."

Twilight: "you should quit right now rainbow dash."

Rarity: "indeed."

Commander pie place her hand on rainbow left shoulder blade to give icy glare at the girls, "sorry, she made own decision to join section 41 as wild tera pokemon catcher like roseluck did, right rainbow." She replied while in serious trance, "indeed commander pie." She patted nicely on the right shoulder twice make twilight and her friends very angry at commander pie when she snapped her fingers for three armored agents walk up from behind the duo aim their blaster forward at the girls.

Commander pie: "you girls go back to class, now."

The girls turned around begins walking away from backstage toward their classes with worried twilight look back at serious trance rainbow dash with commander pie talking to another student and she thought to herself, "oh rainbow, what in the world got in to you."

[New chapter is out for today]

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