First combat training

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(One of my favortie characters will be introduced in this one. Hehe.)

(Ben Harris pov.)

[September, training hall:]

We are heading for the training hall.

This is our first lesson and I am somewhat excited, even though I never succeeded at fighting. Maybe because I never had to, yet.

As we enter the hall, we sit down at the floor next to the other students who are scattered all around.

I was in this hall before, of course. But I've never seen it full with people like this.

Valerie turns to me with excitement:

"Oh, I can't wait for our combat training to finally start! We only ever learned the positions and everything last year, but this year we're actually going to practise!"

"I hope it's not going to hurt too much."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to go easy on you."

I doubt that. If Valerie has energy to do something, there's no stopping her. And combat is probably not an exception. This is going to leave blue marks.


"Good morning students! Time to get some action in here." Our teacher, Alya Volkov announces when coming into the hall.

Ms. Volkov is a tall teacher with a black short ponytail. She has long bangs on both left and right side, her eyes green. Her cane is clacking on the halls floor as she holds it with her left hand.

"So this is Zain's older sister, correct?" Layla whispers.

"Yep", Amaya answers "The best combat teacher we know. And that's not just because she can fight well, even with her injury."

She's right. I heard how she fought, and all of that without an ability.

It was a special case since she is in fact the only teacher with no ability. I had to say, it was amazing. Ms. Volkov's injury was a disadvantage, but she didn't think of it that way.
Even if she did, she wasn't showing it at all.

"Now, I hope you still remember how to stand up straight. Because that's the first thing you have to remember in combat. Let's see what you can recall from our theory lessons."

She explains us how to stand correctly, shifting weight and all of that.
I notice that Aiden isn't paying attention. He is explaining something else to Layla.
She is new to the academy and told us that she was homeschooled before so it's all new for her. Her curiosity is understandable.

"You there," Miss Volkov says, while pointing their way "Aiden. Do I have your attention?"

"Eh- yes!"

There is another thing you have to know about Miss Volkov. She might not have any abilities, but she knows students very well.

"Do you want to be a volunteer?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No." Ms. Volkov smirks.

He stands up and goes up to her. Everyone is watching him.

Aiden is very confident. I often wish to be more like him. If I was being called forward, I might as well just crawl underneath the ground.

"So, do you think you are a good fighter?"

"Yes, of course"

"OH, this will be good" Amaya laughs quietly.

"Alright. That's good to hear. Now, let's try an experiment. You try to make me fall. Let's see what you can do. No ability allowed."


Aiden looks a bit confused.
But so is everyone in this room.
Miss Volkov is leaning on her cane made from dark wood.
She sure doesn't look like she is going to take HIM down.

"Of course. Don't worry. This won't affect your grade."

I see how Layla looks over to Zain.

She seems so chill about this. But maybe she'd seen this scenario several times already.
And besides, Zain always looks chill.

"Ok." Aiden nods. He starts out from the first position.
Miss Volkov lays down her cane and stands straight.
Aiden lunges forward.
Yet she just stands there, unbothered. In the last moment she moves aside, so that Aiden isn't able to get to her at all.
Some students holler: "Ooooooohhhh".
Aiden clearly didn't see this one coming:


Because the next time he lunges, Miss Volkov gets down to the ground, grabs hold of his arm and he falls in a high arch on his back with a loud thud.

Another "Ooooooohhhhh!" is to be heard.

"Not bad, kid. But you didn't think tactical."

She helps him up, giving him a pat on the shoulder and he returns to his place.
Aiden shrugs it off and laughs.

"That's exactly what you should think about before fighting someone. Strategy.
I didn't use my force at all. I basically used all of his own weight and speed against him. You don't need to be super strong to defeat your opponent.
Think about what you can do, and what your opponent is not going to expect. All of this can be used in a fight with abilities too. Though remember to not always rely on them, rely on what you know or what you can find out."

Everyone is actively listening to her explaining.

"That way, you gain power, and true power comes not from the gifts we are given, but from the ways in which we use them. And now", she claps her hands "Let's talk about deflecting a blow."

I can see Valerie's eyes sparkle with excitement and how Layla asks Aiden if everything is OK, Amaya is still laughing a little.
He didn't got hurt like we thought, but as always, Ms. Volkov knows what she's doing.

As we walk out of the hall after the lesson, Valerie beams :
"Wow, Layla. You were so good! Even though it was our first lesson."

"I guess I'm a natural." Layla chuckles and shrugs.

"Have you practiced combat before?" Jian wants to know.

"Well... my parents taught me some self defense, but that was a long time ago."

"Maybe you could teach Aiden something." Says Jian with a small grin.

"Hey!" Aiden scoffs.

"He's right", Amaya agrees "It seems you're a good training dummy."

"Ugh, cut the bullying."


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