Family stuff

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(I know what youre thinking. Oh jeez, family problems? This is going to be something big. Let me tell you- it is.)

(Valerie Tuffin pov.)



We're currently at the library, sitting at one of the tables with Aiden, Samir and Jian. Layla is standing by a bookshelf, looking for a certain book.

I don't really mind libraries, but the silence is killing me, although I have to admit, it does look amazing.

The brown bookshelves standing row after row, the books waiting to be opened and read through.
This room is actually nice and even has two floors. The windows are on the right side and stretch along the wall towards the second floor which consists of smaller sitting places and the balcony to which the two staircases are leading up.
The staircase is black and carefully made.

Respect to the designer.

Samir and I are doodle onto a paper while Jian is writing something in his notebook again, Aiden hides his phone whenever the librarian lady walks by.
The question is: How long will it take her to find out?

"You don't have Outstagram?" Aiden questions Layla with curiosity.

"Well I... no." admits Layla as she finally takes a book out and sits down at the table next to him.

Putting an arm around Layla, I squeeze in the seat between the two of them:

"You can find almost anything here! Art, sports or movies... you name it!"

I show her all the saved Outstagram posts on my phone.

"Shhh!" someone shushes me, but I don't care.

I have the honor to introduce Outstagram to my new best friend!

There is a post of the new series: The Care-Less Guardians season 2: they'll save the galaxy... or not, whatever, it's not like the world is ending or anything.
I quickly save this one and start telling her all about the series.
Then I remember that we're talking about the app, not the series so I continue with our previous discussion.
So I stand up and start pacing around the table and Layla immediatly starts taking notes:

"The first rule to remember is: Once you publish something online, no one will be able to forget it. That's the power of social media.
And that's kind of a problem. I for once wanted to start making my own online vlog, but my parents said it's too dangerous since... I'm a Gifted."

It's impossible to count all the times I've tried to persuade mom and dad. I had to find out soon they were probably the only people whose opinion I couldn't change.
Of course they're worried that people will find out I'm a Gifted, but I could actually be famous and get money for things I'm good at! Being a vlogger is my dream, which is why I always have a camera with me.
Yet the dream is going to stay a dream, I'm afraid.

"But they're right, many people aren't fond of us and it wouldn't be good if they found out private information." shrugs Samir with a sad expression.

"Is that also your reason for not using it at all?" Jian turns to Layla.

"Uh... yeah. I guess my parents are way too worried about it all." Layla admits.

"About worrying- has anyone seen Ben?"

I really thought he'd come to the library as well.

"Right, he's been in a rather gloomy mood today. I wonder if something is wrong..." Samir wonders.

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