Agree to disagree?

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(Hi! I'm going to honest with you all- this mini chapter wasn't all that necessary, but I felt like you could use more of Alya's pov chapters.)

(Alya Volkov pov.)


I'm sitting in the teacher's room with Olser, Chardis, Fellis and other teacher's, enjoying our break while we can as we talk about random topics. Such as how someone broke the coffee machine, the way the students behaved yesterday, and so on.
Though I don't really listen, not that I'm not interested, I just have other things occupying my mind right now.

There isn't much to work with and AGI is limiting my options. Additionally, I'm running out of time.

Suddenly I listen to Olser talking:
"I'm just glad that we all decided to do this. Sure, it is not an easy decision, but it's for the best."

Chardis agrees with a polite smile and looks over to me:
"Exactly. Though some didn't seem all that convinced."

"Huh?" I perk up.

"Just saying that you didn't look convinced when you voted."

"Of course I am, like you said- it's for the best. Although I'm sure that all of you have worries about this as well."

Another teacher shrugs:
"It's going to be fine, I'm sure. At least we don't need to make a discussion out of it, now that all of us agree."

"Why not? I like discussions."

Chardis supports:
"Me too."

Fellis speaks up, a big annoyed pointing at me:
"It's impossible to talk normally with you both. Especially with you."

Must be jealous that I'm the youngest and yet one of the best teachers at the academy. Still, to give her the satisfaction, I ask:


[Some months ago:]

"Stop sorting the documents alphabetically, it's making me mad!" Fellis commands as she and I are stand by the filing cabinet.

"But it's easier to remember than in an chronological order." I respond.

"For you maybe, but everyone else does it this way. Right, Leo?"

"Wait, since when do we have to sort them?" He looks up from his seat at the table.

"Forget it, *looks at me* and you're going sort them again!"


"Yes, you will."


"Yes! You're behaving like a child."


She looks like she's about to explode when Chardis comes up with Olser's tea, which he swooped away smoothly, offering it to Ieselda:

"You should have some."

Fellis snaps it out of his hands, aggressively sips the tea and stomps away exclaiming:

"Gosh, this tea is good!"

I remain behind with Olser by the cabinet, his face dropped:

"That was my tea."

[Present day:]

"That's why." Fellis finishes her flashback.

"I still don't see what you mean." I shrug it off innocently.


Instead of chattering on with them, I focus on real problems.
While twisting my cane between my hands, I think intensively about what I'm going to do now.

A miracle would come in handy right now.

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