History and games

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(Well, this certainly is a long chapter, so get ready! This chapter has been made with ingredients such as the dark ages of the Gifted and many, so many jokes. It's a great contrast.)

(Layla Hart pov.)

[September, classroom:]

"The Gifted. No one knows for sure how they came to be, but their origins can be traced centuries ago.
The first records being discovered from the Roman Empire which had an interesting individual called Callius Oraculus. Apparently he could tell the future but was killed as a disgrace to their gods.
In the medieval ages the Gifted, or so called Cursed, were seen as witches or wizards which is why many of them had to hide away. Many wars were started because..."

Mr. Chardis is a really passionate teacher, even when he talks about the worst parts of history of the Gifted.

If I'm correct, his ability is superstrength, not the kind of ability you'd think a teacher of responsibility and history class has. But, after all, no one decides his own ability and Mr. Chardis is a very kind teacher. Not as strict as Ms. Fellis, that's for sure.

The back rows whisper to each other, and Isabel mumbles:

"Why does he always get excited at this topic?"

I look at her.

That's what I'm saying.

Mr. Chardis interrupts my thoughts when he asks:

"Now, who can tell me when things started to change for the Gifted? Samir?"

"Ehm... the Gifted were discriminated for a long time... until the case in 1950."

"Exactly, and who can tell me more about it? Anyone? Jian."

"It all began when a politician who was against Gifted- or back then, the Cursed, found himself in a life threatening situation, but got saved by an ability user. Then- eh- I forgot."

The back row starts to giggle

"Again." Someone whispers loud enough for us to hear.

I look to my left where Valerie is sitting, she almost breaks her pencil.

For a second I'm afraid she'll start a fight when Ben takes it away from her, but doesn't look too happy either, Aiden does the same.
I turn around to notice Amaya staring at the back row.
Jian seems to just ignore all of it.

"Everyone quiet down now. But you are right, Jian.
Let me continue: Many people started wondering whether they should give the extraordinary folk a chance and that same politician started to help them with funds, support and protection.
That was when 'the Cursed' became 'the Gifted', though there still are people out there who would disagree."

Valerie leans towards me, talking in a hushed tone:

"Now he's going to talk about the way they seperated them."

"The Gifted seperated themselves into two organizations many years later."

She was right. Looks like they covered this topic several times. Either way, it is one of the most important ones.

I notice her sliding a note to me, it says: Told you!
Mr. Chardis continues:

"One of them was the AGI, our Academy for Gifted Individuals and the other TOL, The Only Leaders.
Since the beginning, AGI had the government's support and signed a paper with the peace accommodations.
Even so, TOL wasn't happy with that and until this very day, we're doing everything we can to put an end to TOL and hopefully one day to the discrimination as well."

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