A girls talk

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(Valerie Tuffin pov.)

[1 year ago:]

"Ah, not again."

Ray and I are walking the streets of a busy city.

Usually I prefer to wear colorful clothes, but I had to forget my colorful attire. After all, he's more into girls who are not as pretensions as... well... me.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"It's the posters- it's all about these new series. Way too many people want too watch it, what a bunch of weirdos."

"Huh. I know, right...?"

"Alright, I have to go or else I'll miss my train."

He looks at his watch and turns to me:
"You know, I may actually like spending time with you. We should stay in touch."

"Yeah-!" I pause before I gets too excited.

Don't act stupid again!

"I mean... yeah... we can do that."

"Fine then, bye!"


After I wave a goodbye I sink my hand.

That was real close, Val. Keep going like that and this relationship will end before it starts.

[Present day, October, activities field:]

"I have to say, I love this type of weather." Layla takes a deep breath as she sits on a beige blanket with Amaya, Zain and me.
Layla and Amaya are reading their books while Zain has her earphones on, examining an orange leaf in the remaining sunlight.
I sit with my sketchbook, staring at the blank pages with a dangling pen in my hand.

My inspiration seems to betray me today so I drop it right next to me, saying:
"Me too, especially when it's not that cold."

"I don't know, I like it when it rains." Amaya stretches.

"You know what? You really have the same interests as Gally." I notice.

"Who?" Layla and Amaya look up.

If one looks at the behavior of those two, you'd think they're twins and not Aiden and Amaya.
However, Amaya is the one reminding me of Gally from my favorite series.

"Gally, she's a character from those series I started watching since last year: The Care-less Guardians? I told you about them. Ben has already watched all of the episodes and now hes just as obsessed as I am.
At least that's what I was going for."

"Ah, right. Who was eh- Gally again?"

"Well, she's a one of the rebels who has all those fighting skills and gadgets..."

Layla listens as well and Zain sits up while I'm ranting on.

She holds out her hand and then she let's us know:
"It's about to rain."

(Layla Hart pov.)

Big raindrops are sliding down the window when we're back in our dorm.
At the beginning of the year our dormroom wasn't much to look at, although afterwards we have decorated it with fairylights and it immediately got cozier.
It's interesting how everyone's corner represents it's owner.
Valerie put up posters, on her bed lies a plush baby seal, called Snoby, who always appears somewhere he shouldn't be.

I gave up putting him back, I still don't know who keeps putting Snoby in the weirdest places.

Zain's corner is mostly a mess, clothes lying here and there, but her wireless headphones are placed carefully on a shelf.
Amaya on the other hand has everything organized: Her violin in its case under the bed, notebooks sorted in a specific way.
She gave me one of her candles since i don't really have that much extra stuff with me: books and lots of pencils for writing.
The rectangular dormrooms don't offer much space with loft beds on both sides, four small tables and of course a tiny bathroom. Still, we got used to it.

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