Realization hits different

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(*Note: TW-anxiety*)

(Layla Hart pov.)

Out of nowhere, Ms. Volkov's phone rings again and she picks it up to look at the message, when she does, her expression darkens:

"You've got to be shi-" She stops and looks at the students "Ah, right. No bad words allowed."

I notice how Jian's cat seems somewhat disappointed.

"What's wrong?" George asks.

"One of AGI's weapons was stolen. Exhibit 102. And before you ask, no, even I don't know what kind of weapon that is." Ms. Volkov explains.

Oh no.
That's not good. Not good at all.
I'm running out of time.
Why is it so warm in here all of a sudden?

"Hey, Layla. Are you alright? You look a bit pale..." Amaya says with worry in her eyes, standing next to me.

"Eh- I-" I want to tell her I'm fine when Valerie interrupts me:

"No worries, you just need some water. I'll bring you some-"

Valerie rushes off, taking my bag. And while opening it, she trips suddenly and drops it on the floor.

A small case with the weapon drops out.
Most likely, no one would have gotten suspicious were it not for the white, thick numbers on the case. Very convenient.
Exhibit 102.

No, no, no!

Everyone looks at it, at each other and then at me, confused.
Ms. Volkov just stares at the container.

"Wait, is that...?"

"The- weapon?"

"Layla, why did you have it in your bag?"

It's hard to tell who's asking all these questions.
I feel like my heartbeat is accelerating with every second.

"I... uh..." I stammer with a shaky voice.

As if I'm frozen, I can't form a sentence, but soon I start stuttering like a waterfall:

"It's- it's not what it looks like!"

I try to force surprise on my face, perhaps they'll believe me somehow:
"Someone must have put it there or something... You know. TOL did it... somehow... I wouldn't-"

My voice breaks with every word.
Damn it, why right now?!
They know, right? But they shouldn't- they never should've known about this-
All eyes are on you, pull yourself together!

"You don't actually think that I would do something like that, right?! How-"

I flinch when I get interrupted by Jian, he stands behind me:
"You're lying."

I turn around.
His eyes are glowing.
He actually used his ability.

That's what I was dreading.
Of all the students- he is the one who could've found out everything about me with ease.
Jian said he doesn't use it, that he hates to use it.
My spectacle seems to have changed his mind.
But I guess that doesn't matter now.

"She's... with TOL" He reveals "She was undercover- this whole time."

There is a tense silence in the room, no one dares to utter a word or even move, just staring at me. The moment seems to stretch on and on, until Valerie is the one to speak up first:

"What? N- no, of course not! Jian, please. You must've seen wrong."

"Val-" Amaya wants to put her hand on Valerie's shoulder, but Valerie wriggles out of her grip, with tears in her eyes:

"She's our friend after all, right?!"

The air gets tight, I can't breathe anymore.

I need to run.
Right now.

Upon grabbing the case with the weapon in it, I teleport away to the other side of the room, and take a final look at them, they're all shocked. They didn't know I can teleport up until now.
Aiden's gaze meets mine.
Tears are coming up in my eyes as well.

"I'm so sorry... but I don't have a choice." I mutter as I teleport far away, after hearing Aiden shout:

"Layla wait!"

But I ignore it.
After all... Layla Hart isn't a real person.

[Somewhere away from the mansion:]

I immediately contact the TOL agent through my phone.
They will pick me up soon.
I wipe the tears with my sleeve.

I don't have time to cry right now.

As agent 141, I have a weapon to deliver.

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