It's all over

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(Dhalia Dever pov.)

When we walk out of the building, Carmine asks me all about that has happened, making sure I don't leave out any details.
It reminds me once again how protective he can be.
Even though I've got roughed up a lot, I manage to keep moving, with Carmine at my side.
But not only I have taken damage, but the city as well.
Shut off or damaged drones are scattered all across the streets.

They really gave them all they got.

Suddenly, I hear someone calling my name:

On the other side of the main square, I catch sigh of Aiden scurrying towards me.
Just seeing him already makes me feel better.

He's alright- we both made it!

Without a second thought, I rush to him as well, not minding the stinging in my body.
As we reach each other, we fall into each other's arms.
Aiden hugs me tightly and I feel that same feeling of comfort when he was reassuring me that night.

"It's over, it's actually over!" He spots my bruises. "Oh no- you're hurt-!"

"Yes- but I'll be fine, nothing seems to be broken. Trust me."

He's got some scratches as well, although he doesn't seem to care about that right now.

He returns my smile, holding my hand:
"Looks like my theory has been correct- you really are strong. But I have not doubted that for a second."

This boy just has to continue driving me crazy, doesn't he?

"Who is this?" Asks Carmine, coming up from behind me, looking suspiciously at Aiden.

"Oh- Carmine, this is Aiden Mason. He... really helped me through... a lot of things."

At first he only raises his eyebrows, then his gaze softens.
That's when I can make out Valerie waving towards us, coming from another street with Ben who seems to have a bandaged arm.

She shouts:
"You guys are OK!"

Before I start walking to the others, I look at Carmine if it's fine with him.

At that, he simply responds with a faint smile on his face:
"It's all right, go to your friends."

With a quick nod and an even brighter smile, I follow Aiden to the others.

So there we are, all six of us.
Jian, Amaya, Valerie, Ben and I either hug, pat each other on the shoulder or just laugh, relieved after everything that has happened so far.
Valerie and Aiden tell each other how they've fought off the drones, Jian rubs Ben's hair.

Amaya embraces me in a hug, asking:
"You sure you're alright?"

"Positive. By the way, what happened to Snyder?"

"Ah, she has been taken care of by Ms. Volkov. We made sure to tie her hands so she can't use her ability." Jian answers.

Aiden shudders:
"It felt terrible."

"How did you-"

"Fire and water turns out to be a good duo after all." Amaya shrugs. "What about Creed?"


"Did you-"

"No. Well- not alone. I had some help." I turn towards Carmine who stands further away, speaking with some police officer.

"Who's that guy?" Valerie asks.

Carmine turns our way, looking straight at me.
As if he knew I was looking at him, I smirk.

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