A current of memories

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(*Note: TW-anxiety*)

(Jian Chen pov.)

[8 years ago:]

"Don't worry, we're almost done." Mom reassures as we walk down the busy streets, they're full with people.

Because I'm not a fan of big crowds I hold mom's hand, it just feels more secure.
It's a nice warm day in May, but I just wish to go home. We've been shopping for hours now, well, at least mom does. She smiles when I nod, telling me we can get something to eat.

That's reasonable; so I agree and we continue our walk:

Usually I'm not someone who goes out a lot, my interest lies more with books. They're far more interesting to be honest.

When we stroll into an even more occupied street I start to feel those cramps again. I had then this morning, but decided not to tell my parents. It didn't seem that big of a deal then.
Not just that, but my eyes start to itch a lot too. I rub them with the sleeve of my light jacket, then realize that I'm not holding mom's hand anymore.
Turning around, I realize she had stopped not far behind me.
The thing is she didn't just stop.
It looks like... she stopped in time.
I look around and see that the other people are frozen as well, everything and everyone has turned gray. Like those shows in an old TV's.
Like statues.

What is this?
Am I hallucinating?

After realizing that I can't just blink all of this away I turn back to mom and try to shake her awake, even though her eyes are open.

"Mom, what is going on?" I ask her, but she won't answer.

I look into her eyes, but they are not blue as always.

They're turquoise?

All of a sudden I feel as if I'm being pulled into a current.
Then everything around me disappears.
Everything is black and I'm falling, falling into nothing.
When I try to scream, nothing comes out of my mouth.
I land not as nicely as I would've like to, I didn't break anything, but I hurt my right shoulder.
Everything around me is black.

Slowly scrambling up, I call out into the dark:

All that is to be heard is an echo of my voice:
It goes on and on for a moment.

I don't understand any of this, is it a dream? More like a nightmare. The last normal thing was us walking the street and-

Out of nowhere, things start to appear.
And people.
The scenery and the darkness around me gets splashed with color.
The street I just walked with mom- it's all here, and I can hear, smell everything.
The same scenario.

Am I back?
So where was I just now?

Mom is there, but she isn't alone.
She's with... me.
I watch her walking with 'me' into the busy street, hearing us talking.
I run up to her.

"Mom, hey! It's me! What are you-"

Though when both of them reach me, they just walk right through me. As if I'm a ghost.

But if I'm a ghost, why does it feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest?
Calm down.
This isn't real- and yet it doesn't make sense.
Deep breaths, just breathe.

I hear mom say:
"Don't worry, we're almost done."

I turn around to see them going away.

What is this?
Am I dead?
But who is the other me then?

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