The differnece (?)

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(Hellooo~ This chapter isn't as long as the others, I know. BUT the next one- it gets more interesting and secretive. I will be written in a pov. I haven't used before...)

(Layla Hart pov.)

[December, outside the main building:]

Slowly but surely, winter has arrived at the academy. While all of us were sleeping, snow has gratefully found it's way onto the grounds.
Currently the five of us and Samir stand outside, meanwhile other students throw snow at each other.
Many also target innocent snowmen.
To be honest I didn't think it would get THIS cold, so obviously I had forgotten my gloves. But Aiden had noticed and started using his ability, standing next to me, in order to warm my hands with the small fire coming from his palms while telling me all about playing the guitar.

A random topic, I know.

According to him, he's a great guitarist. Though Ben kept on shaking his head. I'm unsure if that was meant to be a joke or not, either way I decided to play along.

I look up when Amaya complains:
"I hate this weather."

"Really?" I ask and Samir ponders:

"I thought you could manipulate ice as well. Doesn't that make it easier for you? "

"Oh, that's her favorite type of question! Tell him, Ams!" Aiden teases as he strides up to her.

"Cállate o te voy a obligar."
(*Shut up or I will make you.*)

She gives a sarcastic smile and Aiden backs away, laughing.
He goes to Ben and they start whispering about something.

Amaya explains with a sigh:
"I can control neither ice nor snow because my ability is to manipulate water- snow and ice is are different form of water, it's not the same. Everyone keeps asking me that question. Maybe I should consider holding up a sign with an explanation on it."

Valerie comes up to us.
Or rather flies towards us with high speed, exclaiming:
"Hey, guys! Have you heard what they planned for New Years?
I just talked to the cafeteria lady and they said we'll be having a larger variety of food in the buffet this time! It will be bigger than last year!"

"Finally, at least they thought about that for once." Amaya says when Jian and she give a skeptical look.

"Was it really that bad?" I want to know.

"Not exactly bad, but..." Jian wants to continue, but gets hit by a snowball in the back from behind.

Ben is next to Aiden who has thrown the snowball, snickering.
He tugs on Aiden's jacket, wanting to warn him about the incoming snow when Jian grabs some and throws it directly at him.
With a hard blow, Aiden falls backwards.

Amaya clarifies ignoring her brother's pain:
"We've gotten the same type of food every feast since I can remember. And believe me, I remember it well."

While talking, Jian gives her a pre-made snowball and she throws it at Aiden, who has just recovered from his injury.

"Are you already excited?" Valerie turns to me.

"Yeah! I've never been to a real feast before- especially not such a big one."

"I'm sure you'll love it, there will be things like: Fancy food, hot chocolate, lots of candles and chatter while its snowing outside." Valerie portrays and my eyes widen.

"Like... cozy mood?"

"The coziest mood you can imagine."

Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster.

She is right, I would love it.
Honestly? I'm not sure when I had last enjoyed any kind of celebration. It was so long ago...

"I think it's time to go inside, we have R&E now." Ben calls from behind, helping Aiden up once again.

(Note: R&E stands for Responsibility and Ethics)


We has a lesson with Mr. Chardis right now. While standing by the blackboard and writes 'responsibilities' on it.

He then starts his teaching:
"Use your abilities wisely in any situation. Many things can go wrong, exactly why you shouldn't experiment with them, especially not in public. Though that doesn't mean you can't be of help- there are organizations like the AGI-Agents and IGO."

(Note: IGO or Informative Gifted Operation is an organization of informants and scientist who are also in charge if the Gifted Network while having their own headquarters)

"The Gifted society is counting on you all to graduate and become members.
While possessing abilities, you're obliged to help others, for example as agents, and in worst case scenarios- defend yourselves from threats.
Surely there are people out there who are against us, but that doesn't give us a right to harm them. We want to make the world better by helping them, that's the difference between us and TOL."

Indeed, TOL is an organization with much more passion for violence.
Still, the way they execute their crimes is always planned out well, making it harder for AGI agents to track them down.
Though this makes me wonder:
If both sides actually have the same goal, then why are they taking on different paths to reach it?

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