Flying assignments

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(This one is rather a mini-side-story, especially compared to the previous chapter. Either way, enjoy the reading!)

(Valerie Tuffin pov.)

[September, classroom:]

Our class 2a's current subject is Responsibility and Ethics. Mr. Chardis is collecting the homework as he walks through the rows:

"Alright, thanks... Amaya, two and a half pages? I told you to write only one."

"I know." Amaya answers while copying the board, not meeting his gaze.

Mr. Chardis sighs and goes to our row.
"Valerie, Ben, where are your assignments?"

We look at each other, then at him.

"Eh, it's sort of..." Ben stutters and I finish the sentence:


"What do you mean it's gone? If you're about to tell me a dog ate it, I won't believe it. *pauses* Did a dog eat it?" Mr. Chardis ask rather disturbed now.

"It's a long story." Says Ben.

[10min before the lesson:]

The sky looks like dirty car windows today and the wind is blowing strong, but not strong enough to make the orange-brown leaves fall.
Because I had to put a jacket on I'm now running late.

Though once Amaya explained physics to me, she said time is relatable- no. Relative, that was it. Maybe I'm not the one who's late, maybe they're all too early.

I see Ben already waiting for me by the doors outside the main building.

"So, did you finish the assignment?" He asks.

"I did, somehow. Wrote a whole page about the way one can show off their ability." I swing the paper around in triumph.

"Valerie, that was not the assignment... We were meant to write how Gifted are supposed to show responsibility with their ability."

"Really? Doesn't matter, this is probably the best assignment I've ever done.
Practically put my blood and sweat in there so i deserve some recognition."

"I guess that makes sense." he smirks and looks at the clock on the wall "We have to go, there are less than 10 minutes left."

We want to go inside, but a strong wind blows both of our papers away.

"No! Our assignments!" Ben yells.

"Don't worry, I got this!"

I use my ability and try to catch the papers, but with no luck. The papers dance higher and higher.

Dang it, my force fields can't catch them flying like that.

"Or maybe I don't got this...", I sink my hands. "This kinda reminds me of the third episode of 'the Care-less Guardians!"

"Wait, wasn't it the forth one? With the flying ships of Zalondia?"

"No, that was episode three, I'm sure of it."

"Ah, right." Ben remembers.

We both stare at them flying their own strange course.

"What now? We can't reach them from here."

"I have an idea! Follow me!"

Ben runs after me into the main building, up the stairs.
Unintentionally, I stumble against a few students on the way while Ben apologizes afterwards.
We arrive to the second floor and I approach the windows of the hall, opening one of them.

"Maybe I can reach it from here..." I try to catch the papers with my ability again, focusing even more this time, but then they just sink to the ground.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Let's go, we got to be fast!"

Ben urges me and leads the run as he turns into a fox to be faster, rushing towards the doors outside once more.

"Where are they now?" I ask, out of breath.

"I'm not sure-" he admits as we both spot them flying around again before they land on the rooftop of the building

"Seriously?" Ben looks so done and turns back into himself.

"Wait, can't your bird friends help us?"

"Val, that's not how my ability works. I can't just attract animals. And not all of them are my friends just because I talk to them."

"What's up with this guy then?" I point at his head.

There is a tiny bird sitting on his head, snuggled between his locks.
"Wha- ehm- ok, it doesn't matter. Can you help us out? We need those papers."

The bird tilts it's head and flies to the rooftop, gets the papers.

"Good job! Now give them to us."

Ben already stretches one hand out, though the bird seems to have other plans, it flies to the other side if the building where her nest is located.
It rips the papers apart and uses them for her nest.
We both stand there, shocked.

"Nooooooooooo-" I yell as I fall to my knees.

[Back in the classroom:]

(Aiden Mason pov.)

Both of them are sitting there, looking into the void, remembering what happened to their assignments.

"What are they doing?" Mr. Chardis asks

"I think they're having their flashback, sir. It might take a while." I laugh.

"And where is your assignment, Mr. Mason?"

"Eh- well- so you wouldn't believe me if I said my dog ate it?"

"Sir, he doesn't have a dog." Amaya gives me a side glance.

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