Who are the others?

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(Hey there! In this chapter, many new side characters will be introduced. Which ones will be crucial to the plot? At the end of this chapter you'll find sketches of the 4 characters.)

(Layla Hart pov.)


Our class mates started to forget the bug incident last week, I remind myself when I see the poster next to us.
It says: With great ability comes great responsibility.

Yeah, got that figured out.

I turn to Zain and Valerie.
We will have our first lesson soon but both of them insisted that we get some sweets from the vending machine.
Zain brushes her black long ponytail aside and punches the number in while Valerie stands behind her unpatiently:

"Z, have you ever considered using your ability to get free candy?"

"Yeah, but I've been caught once and so they put cameras next to all vending machines."

Zain eyes a camera pointed right at us. Valerie winks and gives an innocent smile towards the camera while I look at it too.
Her ability is phasing. Usually an ability user's eye color reflects the color of their ability. Zains eyes are green, and the peculiar thing is that her front hair strands, which are brushed to the right, are the same color. She got it when she discovered her ability.

Or at least that's what she says.
You can never know what she is thinking about, her expression is always the same, like she's always tired. Except when she gets her snacks of course.

"I'm pretty sure that's stealing" I say, turning away from the camera.

Zain gets the sweets and says:
"Alright let's go."

We make our way through the hallway.
The academy is full of Gifted, each of them with a different ability. The halls are booming with students from different classes and different age. So many people. Either chattering or rushing to classes. We go down the stream.
Suddenly someone shouts behind me:

"Watch out!"

The second I turn around, a paperball is about to hit my face. It would've hit me, if not for Valerie. She uses her ability to create one of her orange force fields around the ball, stopping it mid air, right in front of my eyes.

That was close!

"Alright who did that?!" Valerie shouts

"I wasnt aiming for you- I'm sorry." Mark chuckles approaching, Don next to him.

Those two are in our class, Mark with the short blonde hair and Don with brownish skin and carefully cut black hair and bangs.

"It's fine-" I say but Valerie cuts me off, shouting at the boys again:

"Oh you will be sorry!"

They quickly run off to the classroom, they don't want to pick a bone with her. She turns to me:

"Don't mind them, they're just big troublemakers, just like Aiden, except their jokes aren't funny."

"I heard my name and came as fast as I could." Aiden says as he comes up to us with fingerguns, as lively as ever.

"What's up?" Valerie asks.

"Not much but the ceiling." Aiden jokes proudly.

"Hahaha, this guy!" Valerie laughs like this was the best joke she's ever heard while boxing Aiden in the arm.

I remember there's something I've been meaning to ask.

"By the way, I've been given a paper with the rules for the academy and one of them states that we're prohibited to set the activity field on fire. Also, I heard some students rumoring about you doing it?"

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