Hello again

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(*Note: TW-violence*)

(Alya Volkov pov.)

[Present day, December, on the streets of a city:]

Currently I'm in the city, walking the streets and it's partly raining. The weather is a mess.

Wasn't it snowing the other day?

While I continue my stride, I watch the people who pass by, many of them eye my cane like it's some magical artifact.

They'd be surprised.

Finally, I arrive at the flat. 5 stories high and I'm not sure what is still holding the walls together.

It's ugly, really.

I quickly text Josh:
"I'm there. Are you sure it's this place?"

He responds immediately:
"Of course I am. Don't doubt my skills. Be careful."

"Don't doubt mine as well then."

After making sure no one suspicious is around, I enter the building.
I'm searching for a room which is located on the 4th floor, so I'm taking the shabby elevator. The smell fits the atmosphere, that's for sure.
Obviously, the door is locked, which is why I use a lock pick to open it, easy enough, and get inside, closing the door right behind me with a creek.
Turning on the yellowish light, I take a look around the room.
Nothing special, just the kitchen, a small living room. The flat seems to be rather old, but used. Additionally, to give it even more shady effect, the windows are completely shut, one cannot see anything through them.
On the wooden table is a computer, the only thing that seems to be new.
When I sit down in the chair, I take out the USB Josh gave me.
It's white and has a gray stripe on it.
After starting the computer, I soon find what I'm looking for: File #29.

That must be it.

So I copy the information on the USB.
It takes a while to load.

It better not take too much time, I promised Zain that I'd be back at the academy by noon. Just because she isn't aware of what I'm doing doesn't mean she won't figure it out.
Zain got that from me, obviously.

Suddenly I hear a creek and turn towards the door.
It's open a bit, even though I made sure to close it.
The screen blinks and I turn the computer off, grabbing the USB stick and putting it into my coat pocket.
I stand up, letting my cane lean on the table.

"Let's get this over with.", I look at the opposite wall which is only dimly lit "You're still bad at sneaking."

A figure emerges from where I look.


His loose brown hair almost reaches his brown eyes, underneath them are his familiar freckles.
Even though I am already tall, I still need to look up a little.
That has always annoyed me, not going to lie.

"What, not saying hello anymore?" I ask.

He smirks:
"Maybe I should've knocked?"

"Maybe, it would be more polite. Now get lost."

"Not happening. Especially since you're stealing TOL's information."

"They don't teach sharing there, do they?"

He steps forward again, his expression hardens:
"Alya, don't."

I make a step towards him as well:
"You will stop me?"

His eyes narrow and his hands sparkle with lightning.

Show off.

He goes for me with a punch, powered with lightning.
I dodge his attack, but suddenly he goes low and knocks my feet away so I fall down.

Still in his fighting stance, he laughs:
"Don't tell me you got sloppy since last time?"

While leaning on my hands I answer:
"It was easier since you've always managed to get distracted."


He stands up straight.
I lean forward and he charges again, only that this time, I step away, making him stumble over my right foot, grabbing him by his shoulders and letting him trip over.
He falls on his back hard, then turns around quickly, ready to strike again.
Though I react faster and put my left foot on his right shoulder, pining him to the ground.

"Feeling tired already?" I tilt my head to one side.

"Yeah, a bit." He answers, not taking his eyes off mine.

We're like that for a moment, catching our breaths, gazes softening.
But then I step back as soon as I realize the tension, offering my hand:
"Wanna grab something to eat?"

[Later, dinner:]

We decided to sit in a diner not far off, and now both of us have already eaten our burgers and fries.

"You're kidding." Wade gaps.

"I'm not, I really said it." I shrug with a smile.

"Unbelievable." he laughs with a shaking head. "By the way, how's your sister?"

"Ah, she's fine. She's doing great in her lessons, if she would stop skipping them." I admit.

"I recall we skipped lessons ourselves."

Why say it out loud? Of course we skipped lessons together.

We did everything together back when we both were students at AGI.
It was funny to get into all sorts of trouble with him because Wade was always scared of doing it. Afterwards he'd tell the teachers it was his idea, even though it wasn't necessary.

No time for flashbacks, Alya. Focus.

"Yeah we did... and how's your sister?"

"Well, Sasha definitely has talent, still, she's always overworking herself.
I am trying to help her where I can, but she just rejects the offer.
Though we see each other every day now, so that's a good thing."

I nod, sipping on my soda.

I'm glad that they're together at least. If someone were to separate me from Zain- that someone would pay dearly, not only with money.

"Alya..." he mutters and I glance at him "I really can't let you have this information. It'll become obvious that we have even the tiniest contact."

"What? This meeting is just another coinciden-" I act innocent when he interrupts me:

"Two times in a month is enough to make them suspicious!"

He continues in a hushed tone, fidgeting with his fingers:
"Please, TOL trusts me. I can't..."

He stops talking and I sigh, annoyed:
"Fine. Take it."

I pull out the white USB and hand it to him.
He takes it, but looks at me.

Although I look at him as well for a moment, I decide:
"I think you should be going."

"Right. I really should."he stands up and puts the money for the food on the table. "Thanks... I mean it."

Even as he heads out, I don't react.
After all, I have nothing else to tell him.

As soon as he's gone, I call Josh.

"What's up? You got it?" Is the first thing he wants to know.

"Yeah," I tell him, taking out the real USB, with a gray stripe on it, examining it in the light
"I got it."

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