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I FOUND MYSELF SITTING ALONE BY THE BEACH CLOSE TO THE HARBOUR, my friends were asleep and I felt the need to actually spend some time alone for once.

I sighed and hung my head low, thinking about Scaramouche.

The grating sound of sand hitting each other alerted me and I lifted my head to see who it was, expecting it to be a shopkeeper.

However, it was far too late for anyone to have shops open, so then who was it?

Dark blue hair, a denim jacket and tattoos, tribal tattoos almost. We know who this is.

He stood close to me, but not too close and reached into his pocket to grab what looked like a cigarette.

He put it to his mouth and lit it.

He put his lighter back in his pocket and inhaled, holding it in his chest.

"Do you want?" he asked me.

"Is that a cigarette?"

"A joint."

I looked at him surprised, I didn't know Xiao smoked weed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, lifting myself from the sand and standing next to him while he smoked.

"Smoking a joint," he replied with a dry chuckle.

"My question is what are you doing here?" he added.

I laughed awkwardly and scratched my nape.


"Ominous," he replied and handed me the joint.

I took a hit reluctantly and gave it back to him, I held the smoke in my lungs and concealed my attempts to not cough it out.

"I saw you with that Scaramouche guy from Inazuma, I thought you were Zhongli's girl?" he asked.

"Zhongli and I broke up in October."

"You guys were hooking up recently though."

"Huh?" I acted confused.

"I'm not oblivious."

"He told us, he said he was hooking up with you again," he said casually.

Hooking up? Was that all I was?

"We had something going on, but he knew I was talking to Scara."

"You should've gotten out of Zhongli's grip sooner Y/n."


"I told you back in July to not go back to him, and what did you do in August? You went back to him."

"I thought he changed." I sighed with a frown.

"He's never going to change, he will keep holding you back because he's not over his past." he stomped on the roach of the joint.

"Didn't you get a girlfriend in August too?"

"Yeah, I broke up with her."

"Oh...how have you been?"

"Fine really, I don't really care anymore."

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked him and he nodded and followed me.

"I just want to get out of here, maybe go to Inazuma," I told him.

"For Scaramouche? A guy you met on Snapchat...?" he looked a bit disturbed.

"Not entirely...maybe entirely." I laughed.

"Inazuma has nothing for you Y/n, trust me."

"Okay...do you think me and Scaramouche could work out?"

"I broke up with my girlfriend because of the distance, which wasn't nearly as far as Inazuma is."

"Xinqiu told me that the person right for me will come to me and that maybe Scaramouche is not the one right now."

"He's right." he stopped and faced me.

"You think so?"

"I do, you deserve someone who isn't Zhongli and someone who doesn't live as far as Scaramouche." Xiao came closer to me.

I felt nervous as his face got closer to mine and our lips were millimetres away from each other.

"Can I?" he asked and I nodded.

He kissed me softly and held my cheek with his hand, making me smile in the kiss.


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