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SCARAMOUCHE AND I WALKED AROUND TOGETHER, watching as people prepared themselves for tonight.

"I thought you lost interest in me." I let out a dry laugh and he squeezed my hand tightly.

"I always liked you, Y/n. It's just the distance that I can't do." he sat down on a bench and I sat next to him.

"I just wish you could live here." I frowned and watched as the workers of the harbour ran up and down the docks.

"Me too...but let's enjoy ourselves with the time we have now." he kissed my cheek and made me face him.

"I love you," he added, which caught me off guard.
However, I wanted to be truthful with him and speak my mind.

"I love you too." I smiled at him.

We sat together in silence for a while, however, it was comfortable to be with him once more so I wouldn't trade this moment for anything.

"Do you maybe...want to go to my place for the time being?" I looked at him nervously and once he met my eyes he had a cheeky smile on his face.

"I won't say no to that...are we going to recreate those messages?" he stood up and took my hand in his.

"Maybe, who knows." I chuckled and led him to my house which was dead center in the middle of Liyue harbour.
Prime real estate.

We entered through the door and once I shut it he pulled me into his embrace and began kissing me.

I kissed back, stumbling forward while wrapping my arms around him.

The kiss became heated quickly, and soon enough he had taken his shirt off and he had both of his hands under mine.

"Want to maybe take this upstairs?" I spoke breathlessly.

He nodded with a smirk and I led him upstairs, however, we barely made it to my room seeing that I was against the wall with his body and lips pressed against mine.

We stumbled into my room and crashed onto my bed together, however there was one slight issue.

This bed does not smell like me.
In fact, it smells like another man.

And Scaramouche could definitely tell that.

While on top of me, he looked around my room and furrowed his eyebrows at the duffle bag on the floor.
However, they raised upwards once his eyes caught wind of the male cologne on my dressing table.

"Am I not the only one anymore?" he chuckled while dragging his fingers down my stomach.

"You have to fight for your place, Baby." I licked my lips while staring into his eyes.

"I'll make my place known then." he came closer to my face and breathed down my neck until he bit it.

• • •

Both of us lay in my bed panting heavily, unclothed and sweating.

"You lived up to every word you said." he let out a dry laugh while putting a hand on my bare thigh.

"I wouldn't say any less for you." I smiled and turned to look at him.

"I have to go for a few hours tonight, but I'll be back by eleven." he caressed my cheek.


sorry for the late chapter!!

LEAVE NOW (don't actually)

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