day 1, pegging ⇢ nathan drake

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warnings: improper pegging techniques, handjob, praise (m receiving), fingering, multiple checks for consent


Nathan Drake never knew when to shut his mouth. Whether he was fighting with some Shoreline goons or teasing you relentlessly, he was always running his mouth. It was no different when you had sex, limbs tangled together and unsure of where your body ended and his began. He would utter praises along your skin as he fucked you, and you soaked it up every single time.

Tonight was no different. Well... there was something new you were trying.

Nathan laid naked spread out below you, each piece of his clothes slowly stripped and thrown somewhere across the room. His hands were tied above his head, and he looked up at you with the same blue eyes that drove you crazy.

You'd been preparing for this night for weeks, getting your knots just right. Nate was a tricky one, and you wanted to make sure he wouldn't escape from what you had planned. Of course, he was all too happy to let you try out your knots on him when you practiced. He was always rewarded for his cooperation.

"You're being so good for me, Nate," you purred, tracing a finger down his bare chest, which heaved under your touch. "Did you get ready like I asked, baby boy?"

Nate looked up at you as you straddled him, seating yourself just below his pelvis. "Yes," he replied, sucking in a breath as you splayed your hands across his ribs, "didn't touch just like you asked."

He watched you as you leaned down to finally touch him, and he bit back a moan in response. You stroked him slowly, teasingly. You swiped a thumb over the tip, gathering the precum that had begun to form and spread it to the rest of his length with your short, languid strokes. He bucked his hips, attempting to meet you halfway. Impatient as always.

You tsked as you pulled away, "Thought you were going to be good for me."

You ghosted a hand over his inner thigh, and he shuddered. It wasn't very often when you were in control like this, and you were seizing the opportunity to tease the ever-loving shit out of him.

"C'mon, baby," he pleaded, struggling against his restraints. "Promise I'll be good, just touch me, please."

His pleas did little to quell the ache in your core, and you bit your lip. You granted him mercy, just this once, and returned your grip to his length. He turned his head to the side and moaned against his bicep, muttering your name under his breath.

You used your free hand to grab the bottle of lube you had set to the side, and you popped the top with your thumb. Nathan shudders as you drop a bead of lube onto his length and twist your fist around the tip.

"Jeez, baby," Nathan half chuckled-half groaned as he arched his back off the mattress, desperate against your touch.

You pulled away and Nathan whined at the loss of contact. You slid off him so you were situated between his legs, which spread eagerly for you. You flipped the top to the lube once more, covering three of your fingers with the tacky, clear residue. You spread your fingers, watching as strings of wetness form. The scene was titillating, and Nathan's cock jumped against his abdomen as he watched you.

You placed your free hand on the inside of his thigh before pushing a finger slowly inside of him. Nathan hissed and your movements halted.

"Alright, honey?"

He nodded quickly, his eyes pleading and lidded and he looked down at you. "Don't stop, please, baby."

You began to pump your fingers, slowly at first. He let out a shaky groan when you picked up the pace, his hips jutting to meet you halfway. "Doing so good for me, honey," you praised, reaching up to slowly stroke his cock with your free hand.

You withdrew your fingers, and he whined underneath you. He was so needy tonight, and arousal was making your head fuzzy. But it wasn't about you tonight. There'd be plenty of time for that later.

You stepped out from between his legs and hopped off the bed, eagerness flooding your veins. Your heart was beating so hard you could hear it in your ears as you searched under the bed. Seconds passed like hours as you felt around for a familiar black box, and relief pooled in your chest as you felt the smooth cardboard you'd been looking for.

Nervous fingers clumsily opened the box revealing what he'd been waiting for all day. The dildo was small and a muted blue with an upward curve to reach that sensitive spot inside him. Nate's head perked up at the sound of buckles clinking as he watched you put on the harness.

You returned to your position between Nate's legs and he watched you, curiosity flickering in his eyes as they traveled downward.

You grinned, "It matches your eyes."

He let out a shaky breath, quickly covered by a scoff as he rolled his eyes.

You retrieved the bottle of lube and popped the top. You gripped the blue length in your hand and met his gaze as you dropped a bead of lube onto the tip, reminiscent of your earlier actions. You stroked yourself and rubbed a soothing hand over his thigh.

"Sure you want to do this?"

He was quick to nod in response, too busy watching your every move. You lined your tip up to his entrance, and his breath hitched. Your hands skated over any skin you could reach as you slowly rocked into him.

Nate's expression was pinched in a mix of pain and ecstasy as you inched your way inside him. Your heart ached to provide some form of solace, but you couldn't focus on anything but the way he was taking you so well.

You leaned down and pressed sloppy kisses against the side of his neck, attempting to distract him as you sank the last few inches into him.

He gasped, and you hesitated just for a moment. Your heart was pounding so loudly you could barely breathe, and panic began to set in. What if you hurt him?

"You okay?" you asked and you cringed as soon as the words left your mouth.

He slowly opened his eyes and nodded. "Baby, you're inside me," he huffed a laugh. You couldn't help but join him. He was looking at you like you hung every star in the sky and the next thing you know your lips were on his.

The kiss was clumsy as you adjusted to your position over him. You pulled out of him before snapping your hips forward, your lips still on his. Strong legs wrapped around your waist and brought you closer, pulling you deeper inside him.

You rocked against him, each thrust pulling out further than the last. You spent every moment memorizing every sound and sight. Eventually, you reached that spot inside him that had him releasing the delicious sounds you craved. You focused on hitting that spot again, and again, and again until he was a moaning mess under you.

He arched against you. "Baby," he pleaded, not even sure what he was asking for anymore.

"Tell me what you want, honey," you murmured, desperate to give him whatever he desired.


Who are you to deny your baby boy what he wants? You snapped your hips faster, finally settling into some sort of rhythm. You wrapped your hand around his weeping cock, and twisted your wrist in quick strokes.

The pace at which you were pounding into him was almost brutal, but he was so close you could almost taste it. With one final slam of your hips, he was falling apart at the seams. Nathan's moan was practically pornographic as he painted the back of your hand and his stomach with the white strings of his release.

You slowed your pace as you both caught your breath. Your hands skirted across his now-flushed skin as he came down from his high.

"You did so good for me," you whispered, a small smile playing on your lips.

Nathan laughed, and the sound made your heart soar. You made him feel good.

"You did all the work." 

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