day 28, dubcon ⇢ android!gavin reed

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warnings: fnaf au, reader is a security guard, fingering, slight dirty talk, slight corruption, creampie, unprotected sex, i saw the fnaf movie & im making it everyone's problem


You never thought you'd see the day when an android at a kids' attraction would turn you on, but here you were.

You took the job out of pure desperation. You were in dire need of cash, and how hard could it possibly be? All you had to do was walk around the complex once or twice a night and watch the cameras. That proved to be very hard when one of the androids you were in charge of turned out to be hot. They weren't supposed to roam the complex at night, but you made an exception for one of them.

Gavin was the bassist of the rock band that the attraction was themed after. He was rugged with messy brown hair and startling blue eyes that contrasted beautifully against the black liner surrounding them. Piercings littered his ears, and he exuded confidence. He wore red cheetah print pants that were very tight paired with a denim vest and combat boots. He donned a leather choker with spikes paired with fingerless leather gloves with spikes along the knuckles.

He was charismatic and took a liking to you rather quickly. He was curious about you, for the most part. There were times when you forgot that he was a robot and his personality was just lines of code created by someone. Other times, that fact slapped you in the face.

He stood too close when you walked, always observing whatever you were doing over your shoulder. This included when you stood over the monitor on your desk and looked over the security footage. You were acutely aware of his body pressed closely to yours and the feelings it stirred up within you.

"Your heart rate is increasing exponentially. Is something wrong?" he asked, his breath fanning across your shoulder from how close he was. You could practically see his furrowed brow and confusion gracing his features.

You straightened and he did as well. "No," you assured, fumbling for an answer as your cheeks reddened. "It's just... you were standing very close."

"Does me being here make you uncomfortable?"

The crease between his brows increased as he searched your features.

You shook your head, "I like spending time with you... It's hard to explain."

"I'm designed to be incredibly intelligent, even if I'm not programmed to act like it," he said, crossing his arms. "Try me."

You pressed your lips into a thin line as you attempted to explain to a robot that you were sexually attracted to him.

"It's a human thing that happens sometimes when we like someone a lot," you explained as you felt your entire body heat up in embarrassment.

His eyes scanned over your body as the ring on his temple spun yellow before returning back to its bright blue.

You felt a surge of boldness take over you and you grabbed his hand and pressed it against your chest, right over your heart.

"When humans like someone their heart starts beating fast, and their cheeks heat up," you clarified as you brought his hand up to cup his cheek. "Sometimes other physical changes happen."

"Like what?" he questioned, and you almost felt bad for what you did next.

You slid his hand down your uniform and pressed it against your clothed core. His LED flashed yellow once more.

"We get aroused," you stated, watching as his eyes darted over your body. "Although, I think my clothes are getting in the way of completely showing you."

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