day 4, cock warming ⇢ charlie swan

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warnings: slight dirty talk, unprotected sex, slight almost getting caught, brief handjob, domestic charlie swan


Sundays meant game day. They also meant Bella would be out of the house hanging out with Edward or one of the other Cullens. This also meant that you and Charlie got some much-needed alone time. The sun was setting, the last of the sun's rays dipping behind the horizon.

You padded into the dimly lit living room, cold beer in hand. The soft glow of the TV allowed you to make out your path. Charlie's team had begun to lose horribly, and his eyes were beginning to glaze over.

You set the beer on its designated coaster and approached his position sprawled out on the couch. Wordless you crawled on top of him, taking him by surprise. You rested your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat

"Hey there," he said, affection and curiosity evident in his tone.

"Hey," you replied softly, wrapping your arms around him.

He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. Your sleep shirt left little to the imagination, and the bare skin was tantalizing. His hands drifted downward, and you forced yourself to focus on the game.

You dragged yourself upward, making sure to grind against the imprint of his length. You disguised it as reaching for a blanket and covering the both of you. Charlie eyed you, the game completely forgotten, and you felt him twitch under you.

His hands drifted under your sleep shirt and moved to cup your ass. Charlie sucked in a breath when he realized you weren't wearing any underwear.

"Whatcha up to, darlin'?"

You looked up at him innocently, "I'm just watching the game."

"Wanna explain where your underwear went?"

You sat up to straddle him and grin. The blanket falls, splayed against Charlie's thighs. "Are you gonna search me, Chief Swan?"

He dragged his fingertips along your bare thighs, eyes dancing across your features. "I think I might have to, miss," he responded, donning the tone he used when he was working.

Your smirk turned devilish as you slid your hand in between your bodies and palmed him. Charlie jutted his hips upward and met your movements. He leaned up to kiss you, his lips moving languidly against yours.

His hands began to wander over the soft expanse of your back and eventually to your chest. He kneads your breasts and extends a thumb to glide across your nipple as you kiss him, eliciting a soft moan from the both of you.

You pulled away and hooked a finger into the waistband of Charlie's sweatpants and tugged, revealing what you'd been aching for all evening. You wrapped your hand around him and pumped it slowly, teasing him. He released a shaky breath as he bucked his hips.

You lifted yourself up and swiped his cock through your folds, eliciting a gasp from the both of you. Slowly, you lowered yourself onto him. His large hands grip your hips and helped you down, watching as your dripping core swallowed his cock.

He hissed as he bottomed out. "So fucking tight, baby."

The sound of jingling keys into the lock of your front door caused you to jump, your pussy clenching around Charlie.

You were quick to grab the edge of the blanket and cover the both of you. Your head nearly collided with Charlie's chin in your hurry to lie down and act inconspicuously. The pounding of his heart reverberated against the shell of your ear as you rested your head on his chest. He twitched inside you, nervousness mixing with excitement. You'd never done anything this risky before.

Bella's footsteps neared, and you prayed she couldn't see the scarlet dusting your cheeks. All you could focus on was just how deep Charlie was inside of you, and it was making your mind hazy.

"Hey!" Charlie called, attempting to keep his tone even. "You're home early."

You lifted your head slightly to look at the teenager.

"Yeah, we have a test tomorrow. Edward wanted me to have time to study," she said nonchalantly. Charlie nodded, feigning approval. "Enjoy the game, guys," Bella waved her goodbye and headed for her bedroom.

Once you heard the familiar sound of her door clicking shut, you breathed out a sigh of relief. Charlie let out a soft groan.

"That was close," Charlie murmured, shifting his hips slightly. You nodded, your core still fluttering around him.

"Too close."

"How 'bout we watch the game in our room?"

You grinned before sliding off of him, biting your lip to prevent yourself from moaning. Your arousal was nearly dripping down your legs as you stood, and heat rushed to your cheeks at the sensation.

Charlie quickly tucked himself back into his sweatpants before standing up from the couch, the imprint of his erection still very evident.

You held out a hand to him. "Don't wanna miss too much of the game."

"No, we don't," he answered, lacing his fingers with yours and leading you to the bedroom. 

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