day 27, cuckholding ⇢ iron bull

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warnings: fingering, slight dirty talk, fingering, forced exhibitionism, unprotected sex, creampie


The news of your betrothal came as a shock to you. Your parents hadn't contacted you much after what happened at the Conclave. You figured they'd come crawling back once you became Inquisitor, their desperate need for fame overwhelming any disgust held toward you.

Their letter came not long after Corypheus was dead and gone. It was Leliana and Josephine sharing nervous glances at the war table that clued you into something being off. Leliana was never nervous. Josephine silently handed you the letter, and you had an iron grip on it as you read.

You could have the entire world at your disposal and you'd still be under your parents' thumb. You saved the fucking world and here you were still doing their bidding.

With the Iron Bull, it was different. You didn't have to worry about following orders or giving them. You could just be, which is why when he held out a blindfold with that usual sly grin you took it without hesitation. The day your supposed betrothed was supposed to arrive was nearing, and you were desperate to forget it all. He had a surprise for you, he claimed. You'd take anything over worrying about your future.

The weight of his hands against your shoulders was substantial, but it grounded you as you walked blindly through the corridors of Skyhold. A small part of you was giddy, your imagination running wild with whatever surprise he had for you. He carefully led you up some steps, the creaking of the door behind you sounding vaguely like the one to your bedchamber. Finally, you reached a landing and Iron Bull brought you to a stop.

"Are you ready for this, kadan?" he asked, his excitement palpable.

You nodded, giddy. Carefully, he pulled the blindfold off of you, and you blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted. You were in your quarters, just as you thought. Your attention was drawn to the chair set at the foot of your bed holding a man with his hands and legs tied and a gag in his mouth. He was shouting something at you, but the gag muffled his words.

You raised a brow and turned to Bull, "Who is this?"

He grinned, "This is the sorry piece of shit your parents are marrying you off to."

Your jaw dropped as you looked between Bull and the man tied up.

"Why is he in my bedchamber?"

"I brought him here."


Bull wrapped his hands around your waist, leaning down to whisper against your ear, "So he could see just how much you don't need him."

Your heart rate quickened at the thought. It was selfish for both of you. You wanted to show this man that you didn't belong to him, and Bull wanted to show him just who you belonged to.

You nodded, swallowing hard, "Okay."

His hands lingered up to undo the laces at the front of your shirt, and your gaze stayed glued to the man trapped in your room as it dropped to your feet. Bull was quick to loop his fingers in the waistband of your trousers and yank them down to your ankles. A small gasp left you as the man whimpered against the cloth in his mouth.

"Get on the bed, kadan," Bull whispered, and you sauntered toward your large bed. You climbed in and spread your legs for Bull as he neared. "Gonna take my time with you. We gotta give our guest a good show," he said as he cupped your face and pressed his thumb past your lips. You eagerly swirled your tongue around the appendage as your core throbbed with arousal.

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