day 11, mutual masturbation ⇢ steve harrington

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warnings: fingering, afab reader, no pronouns used, slight dirty talk 


Steve Harrington's car was where you spent many a night wrapped against the boy, fogging the windows with your sensual ventures. Tonight was no exception.

He claimed that he wanted to try something new. "I want to see you," he said, a giddy smile gracing his lips.

You tilted your head, "But you always see me?"

"I want to see all of you."

And so here you were, one leg spread over the top of the bench seat and the other resting on the floorboard of his car. Your panties were hooked around one ankle, and your jeans were long forgotten, thrown somewhere in the back seat.

Steve sat across from you in the driver's seat taking in every single detail as he watched you slide a finger through your folds, spreading your slick. It had begun to coat your fingers, and you wanted to lean forward and press them past his plush lips so he could taste you. But you stayed put.

His cock was straining against his jeans as he watched you dip a finger into your entrance before circling back to rub your clit. You could never fill yourself as completely as he did. You could never reach those sensitive spots that he did.

Your bottom lip was tucked between your teeth as you watched him palm himself, the strain in his pants becoming too great. You salivated at the thought of him stroking himself along with you. Fortunately, you didn't have to wait too long. He popped the button of his jeans before yanking his zipper down. Nimble fingers slid under the waistband of his boxers, freeing himself from his jeans. His cock bobbed against his abdomen, and your mouth watered.

He stroked himself slowly, languidly. He used the beads of precum that had begun to form to lubricate his strokes. You bit back a moan as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. You slipped a finger completely in your tight hole and pumped your hand in time with him. Eventually, you slid in a second finger; lewd noises filled the car as you began to work towards your climax.

Steve praised you to high heaven as your movements became more hurried. You leaned your head back against the window and watched him through half-lidded eyes. The cool glass felt heavenly against your flushed skin. He had his shirt hiked up to reveal his dark happy trail. You wanted so badly to touch him, to kiss him there and then take him into your mouth.

You extended your thumb to rub sloppy circles around your clit. Your fingers were getting slippery due to your arousal, but you didn't stop. Steve was making those beautiful whines and moans and you could feel your release approaching quickly.

"Look so pretty touching yourself, baby," he praised, his eyes drifting to your core.

"S'not as good as you, Stevie," you whined. Steve's strokes stuttered at your words, and he moaned your name.

You came with a cry as you felt yourself clench around your own fingers. Steve was quick to follow, a breathy moan and a string of curses rushing past his lips.

"Fuck, fuck, shit. Baby, I'm cumming!"

His release came in white strings that covered his hand, some landing on the light denim of his jeans. You attempted to catch your breath, your leg sliding down to nudge Steve's thigh.

You couldn't help yourself as you crawled forward and licked his release off his hand, meeting his eyes as you did so. His cock twitched against you and a jolt struck your core.

You'd had the suspension of his car squeaking within minutes. 

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