day 23, virginity loss ⇢ edward cullen

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warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, maybe ooc!edward, slight dirty talk, human!reader


Edward Cullen was a man who pretended to have a strict moral code when it came to you, but the way he was ravishing you tonight was downright sinful.

Your wedding was nothing short of extravagant, of course. The Cullens spared no expense for your union. However, all you could think about was Edward ripping your dress off of you and taking you right there and then. By the way he gripped your side tightly the entire night, you could tell your wandering thoughts were getting to him.

Your lips quickly attached to the side of his neck as he drove to the airport and your fingertips trailed up his thigh. He grabbed your hand and nipped at your inner wrist, a silent warning to behave.

You were on your best behavior after that, only allowing your thoughts to veer off course once or twice, just to keep Edward on his toes.

Isle Esme was gorgeous, and you couldn't wait to see it in the daylight. You were glad to finally be alone with Edward. As you approached the threshold of the front door, he swept you off your feet and a high-pitched squeal left you at his movements.

"Little warning next time?" you raised a brow as he carried into the main room of the villa. He spun you around, a grin gracing his features.

"I am nothing if not traditional," he replied as he set you down. His hands lingered on your waist as you looked up at him.

You pursed your lips, "That's for sure."

He chuckled, before pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss. His cool fingers traced a delicate path across your jawline, and you shuddered against his touch. Your heartbeat quickened in your chest, and you wondered if Edward's thoughts were racing just as fast as yours were.

Your lips parted and his breath fanned across your cheek. He laced his fingers with yours and led you deeper into the house. It was luxurious and open, and you never wanted to leave.

Soft lighting bathed the master bedroom, and a sudden wave of nervousness overtook you. You'd been intimate before but never like this.

He pulled you into the bedroom and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I promised you we'd try," he murmured, his gaze never leaving yours.

You forced yourself to focus on his touch lingering on your hips and the ocean breeze drifting through the open double doors to the bedroom. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips as you formulated your plan in your mind.

"Think you can wait a bit longer while I change into something more comfortable," you questioned, pulling yourself out of his embrace.

He grinned, "I've waited 104 years, a few more minutes isn't going to kill me."

You grabbed one of your smaller bags and brought it into the bathroom with you. You sifted through the various sets of lingerie Alice had meticulously packed for you, looking for something that wouldn't be impossible to put on.

You settled on a lacy dark blue, but not navy, bralette and panties with little to no straps. Easy enough.

Once you had the lingerie settled onto your features, you took a moment to gaze at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't deny Alice's taste when it came to anything you wore. The lingerie fitted you like a glove and looked amazing. You looked amazing. You spritzed some perfume on yourself before exiting the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind you.

Edward turned to face you. He was still wearing the light blue button-up that he donned after the reception. The two buttons at the top were undone, which was definitely not because of you.

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