day 12, public sex ⇢ robert joseph maccready

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warnings: creampie, unprotected sex, slight dirty talk, afab reader


It wasn't often that you spent the night in Goodneighbor. However, you were in the area and couldn't resist Magnolia's siren song. The drinks at the Third Rail were shit but the company was one of a kind.

There you sat, leaning into MacCready's space as you drank. You spoke in hushed whispers and stolen glances, and his cheeks were dusted pink. At around midnight, you were dragging him out the door.

"Let's get some air," you'd whispered against the shell of his ear, hand dancing across his thigh. Your heart was pounding as you led him through the alleyways of Goodneighbor, stealing a kiss or two along the way.

You stood in a particularly deserted alleyway, the cramped space bathed in shadows. The sounds of Goodneighbor's nightlife had faded, and it was just the two of you under the wasteland sky.

Your breath caught in your throat as MacCready stepped closer. You mirrored his steps backward until your back hit the brick wall behind you. His hand gently cupped your cheek, and he closed the distance between you.

The kiss was tender but it quickly morphed into something more. Something hungry. You pulled him impossibly closer by the lapels of his duster. He gripped your hips, and you didn't doubt that there would be bruises by there tomorrow.

You moved to wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. You ran a hand through the hair at the back of his head, tugging lightly on the strands. He groaned into your mouth and slid his tongue against your bottom lip. A shudder of pleasure ran through you as his hands wandered down and squeezed your ass. He traced his tongue across the backs of your teeth, and you gasped.

MacCready pulled away, leaving you panting into the night air. He pressed a sloppy kiss against the side of your neck as he slid one of his thighs between your legs. He sunk his teeth into the space where your shoulder met your neck, and you rocked your hips against his thigh. He sucked a love bite into the sensitive area of skin.

You reached a hand between the two of you and pawed at his belt, your fingers clumsy thanks to MacCready's teasing. He pushed a hand under your shirt, fingers splaying across your ribcage and moving to knead your breast. You bit your lip, barely stifling your desperate moans.

You forced yourself to focus enough to completely undo his belt buckle and pants. You dipped your hand under the waistband of his briefs, fingertips brushing against his cock. MacCready groaned against the crook of your neck once you finally touched him, wrapping a hand around his length.

You stroked him slowly, throwing a glance over to where the alleyway led to the rest of Goodneighbor. You weren't too close to be in plain sight, but it only took one curious member of the Neighborhood Watch to catch you two in the act.

"Wh- what if they see us?" MacCready stuttered out, following your train of thought and calculating the odds of getting caught.

You pick up your pace and use your free hand to unbutton your own jeans. "Guess we better be quick," you replied, mouth curving into a devious smile.

MacCready's movements were hurried as he pulled away and turned you around. He wrapped his arms around you and unzipped your pants, allowing him to yank them, along with your underwear down to your knees. You gasped as your bottom half was exposed to the cool night air. He slid a finger through your folds, and you sunk your teeth into your bottom lip, muffling the whine that threatened to escape you.

He slipped his cock through your folds, gathering your slick. You pressed your cheek against the brick wall. He gripped the plumpness of your ass as he ground against you, hitting your clit with every drag.

"Need you, Mac," you whimpered out, hands splayed out against the wall to steady yourself.

He was quick to oblige you and angle his cock up to your entrance. He agonizingly pushed inside you. The way he stretched you was exquisite, and you let out a high-pitched mewl. MacCready covered your mouth with one of his hands, the other gripping your hip like his life depended on it.

"Gotta be quiet," he hissed as he rutted into you, punctuating each word with a thrust of his hips.

He pressed feverish kisses to the side of your neck as he reached a hand around to rub tight circles against your clit. You let out a breathy moan against his hand and pushed your hips back against his. The alleyway had filled with the noises of skin slapping and the wet sounds of your heat.

MacCready's thrusts became sloppier as he grabbed your jaw and turned your head so he could kiss you. With one final stroke, you were coming undone over his cock. MacCready wasn't too far behind you as his his stuttered against yours.

His release painted your walls and dripped down your thighs as he slowly pulled out of you with a shuddering breath. He rubbed a soothing hand over your hip as you came down from your high.

"That's not how I pictured tonight going," he chuckled nervously as he helped you get situated.

You laughed, straightening your blouse. "Really? Because that's exactly how I pictured tonight going."

With that, you took him by the hand and led him out of the alley. MacCready's ears turned red as he let you tug him toward Hotel Rexford. The night was still young, after all. 

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