day 16, toys ⇢ natasha romanoff

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warnings: jealous!reader, use of a ball gag, use of a double-sided vibrator, reader has electricity powers, slight dom!natasha, takes place during Black Widow, afab reader


You rested your head against the cool glass of the window as Natasha drove you to a safe house she knew. You'd just lost the only family you ever knew, and the loss still stung deeply in your chest.

She grabbed your thigh and rubbed soothing circles on it, bringing you out of your thoughts.

"It's beautiful out here," you commented, giving her a small smile.

"Just wait until you see where we're staying," she grinned, and the lilt in her voice made you nervous.

You'd stayed in some sketchy places before, and maybe you'd gone a little soft lately. But, nervousness gnawed at you regardless.

As Natasha drove, the area surrounding you became more and more desolate. She came to a stop down a winding path. Your eyes widened as you took in the small metal trailer settled in the middle of a clearing.

Natasha got out of her seat as you sat bewildered.

"C'mon, hun," she urged before shutting the driver's side door, pistol held at her side. You joined her with a sigh, electricity arcing through your fingers as the both of you approached the trailer.

Natasha's footsteps were silent as she stalked toward the door. She opened it with one hand and made her way into the trailer. You followed wordlessly as she scanned the inside of the trailer. Finally, she kicked open the door to the bedroom and chuckled at the man sleeping soundly in the bed.

You raised a brow and she put a finger to her lips. She leaned over the foot of the bed and tapped the man's foot, a smile dancing on her lips. He jumped up, eyes flicking between the two of you.

"You're in my bed," she noted, straightening.

"I'm not even under the covers," the man defended himself as he slowly got up. He led the two of you toward the front of the trailer.

They talked for a few moments, and you observed as the man explained all the facilities that came with the trailer. Natasha stood at the bar and thumbed through the various IDs the man provided for both of you. You stood behind her, looking out the window in front of the sink.

A lull fell over the two, and he leaned in, "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Natasha answered, her voice wavering. You straightened and hovered protectively behind her.

The man shrugged, "I hear things. Something about the Avengers getting divorced..."

You scowled, and Natasha placed a placating hand on your thigh. Rick was someone you could trust, she'd said. He'd done her a huge favor by helping the two of you. Still, you didn't like him poking around in your business.

Natasha bowed her head for a moment. "It's fine. Besides, I have all I need right here," she said, snaking a hand around your hip. A warm feeling swelled in your chest at Natasha's display of endearment.

The man's eyes flicked between the two of you. You'd never made your relationship known to the public, but you also weren't exactly hiding your feelings for each other.

"Well," the man clapped his hands together, "seems like you're all set. Don't call me if you need anything."

The man headed toward the door, chucking a little at his own joke. You narrowed your eyes at his back as he walked to his own car. Natasha pulled you away from the door, shutting it and blocking your view of the man.

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