day 13, mommy kink ⇢ wanda maximoff

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warnings: fingering, cunnilingus, wanda calls reader sweet girl, slight dub-con, vision doesn't exist 


Wanda had this innate ability to invade your ever-waking thoughts. You supposed it was partly due to her powers. She gave you a taste of what she was capable of when she was aligned with Ultron, and she effortlessly invaded your mind. However, since then she has been on your mind for a very different reason.


You flit around your shared house, straightening the Halloween decorations as you pass. You halt in front of the full-length mirror in the hall. You were clad in a tight, black catsuit that hugged every curve of your figure and a belt with a red hourglass on the buckle. You zip up the bodysuit to your neck. It's a family-friendly holiday, after all.

You couldn't for the life of you figure out what your costume is referencing, and you wrack your brain as you stare at yourself in the mirror. You're broken out of your thoughts by Billy and Tommy walking into the living room and staring at Pietro's snoring form on the couch.

Quicker than you could register, Pietro jumps up from the couch and in front of the boys, scaring them. He begins to chase the still-screaming twins around the living room and you watch with amusement.

"Oh! Somebody better be bleeding, broken, or on fire," your wife calls as she descends the stairs. You rush to greet her, and your breath catches in your throat, astonished at your wife's appearance.

"Whoa, Mom!" Billy exclaims, echoing your thoughts. He tilts his head to the side, "Are you Old Red Riding Hood?"

She spreads her arms wide, "I'm a Sokovian Fortune Teller."

"You're beautiful," you murmur as your wife reaches the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes soften as she looks at you, and she cups your chin affectionately.

"What're you supposed to be?" Tommy questions, taking in your appearance.

You shrug, "Actually, I'm not quite sure. It feels right though."

Tommy goes to compliment his mom's costume but quickly changes his mind once Pietro voices his opinion. A moment passes and Wanda looks startled. Billy goes on to talk to someone unseen. You furrow your brows.

You blink rapidly and next thing you know Pietro and the kids are furiously playing video games on the living room couch, candy wrappers strewn about.

Wanda laces her arm through yours, "Looks like they've already sampled the product."

You look up at her, a smile tugging on your lips, "You haven't told me much about your brother. I didn't think he'd be so..."

Pietro hops up and shows the boys how to shotgun a soda.

You grimace, "... Good with kids."

An idea struck you, and you tug Wanda closer to whisper so the kids won't hear. "How about we let him watch the kids for the night? We could finally get some alone time. It feels like we've had an audience for the past few days."

She straightens at your suggestion, but before she can object, Pietro butts in.

"Great idea! Uncle P can watch the kiddos tonight."

Wanda's gaze jumps between the two of you. "That's not what you're—" she pauses for a moment to correct herself, "It's their first Halloween, darling. We wouldn't want to miss it."

You take her gloved hands in yours, "We won't miss all of it. Besides, I have some decorations that still need to be put up before the trick-or-treaters get here."

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