day 8, almost getting caught ⇢ cullen rutherford

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warnings: creampie, unprotected sex, war room sex, semi-public sex


You knew it was reckless, but that didn't stop you for a second. You hardly had enough time to say 'good morning' before Cullen was off to his duties and you were off to yours. You couldn't wait any longer.

The moment Leliana and Josephine left the war room you were rounding the table and pulling him into a heated kiss. He paid no mind to the markers you swiped off the map to make room for the two of you, he'd already memorized their locations during the meetings.

You exchanged heated kisses as clumsy fingers moved to detach the armor and bits of cloth that dared to come between you.

How you got into this position, back pressed against the hardwood of the table and him moaning above you, was a blur in your lust-filled mind. All you could focus on was how deliciously Cullen was stretching you and how much you needed more, more, more.

You pulled him closer to you, raking your nails across the broad expanse of his back. You felt his muscles ripple under your touch, and you pressed your fingertips against the now-flushed skin. You wrapped your legs around his waist, allowing him to rut deeper inside you, causing you both to let out whines of pleasure.

"Inquisitor," he groaned against the shell of your ear as he leaned over you, encompassing the whole of your body with his.

Voices sounding outside the heavy wooden doors of the war room caused you to tense against Cullen and him to stifle a groan against your shoulder.

"Josie, I'm sure you didn't forget it," Leliana's voice was muffled behind the doors, but you'd recognize it anywhere.

"I must be sure, Leliana. It's my favorite quill; I'll just be a moment," came Josephine's muffled response. Cullen froze above you, both of you straining to hear the conversation just outside the doors.

"I think I saw it in the rookery when you walked up with me, maybe we should start there? I'm sure the Inquisitor and Commander are still discussing important matters." Leliana's voice rose at the last part of her bid to lead Josephine away, and you flushed. Nothing could get past your spymaster.

It was quiet for a moment, and Cullen slowly picked up where he left off, thrusting deeply inside you. The gasp that escaped you when Cullen hit the particular spot that had your back arching against the hardwood was stifled by his lips against yours.

The thought of getting caught sent a jolt through your body, and you clenched against him. His pace quickened, and you could tell he thought the same.

"Very well, we can check there first," Josephine replied and the footsteps receded.

Cullen cupped your face with one hand and, as his thrusts became sloppier, he kissed you. He pulled away after a moment, just enough to look you in your eyes as he fucked you. With one final snap of his hips, you were coming undone and his name tumbled past your lips.

He was soon to follow you off the precipice and he shuddered against you as his hips stilled within you. He pushed the hair out of your face and his gaze softened as he looked down at you.

He pressed a tender kiss to your temple, then to your nose, and finally to your lips. "I missed you, my love," he whispered against you.

"Perhaps we should move this to my chambers before Leliana and Josephine come back," you suggested, a small grin gracing your features.

A blush spread across Cullen's face, but he nodded and helped you dress. He was quick to put the markers back into their correct spots and drag you out of the war room to continue your reunion elsewhere. 

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