Knuckles' Origin

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A week has passed since Sonic and his new friend Tails defeated Robotnik, and now Kintobor was teaching Tails everything he knows about machines in hopes to know how to take down the villain's machines in the future. Not only that, but the pair manged to build an airplane called The Tornado. Kintobor: "I'm very impressed Tails, you managed to learn pretty quick, not only only are you getting better with machines, but you managed to build your own plane." Tails: "Thanks, but I can't take all the credit, as I had a really good doctor to teach me." that was when Sonic came to the scene, and he was impressed by the sight of The Tornado. Sonic: "Not bad you two, this thing might come in handy." Tails: "I sure hope so." Dr Kintobor: "I'm sure it'll be fine, now why don't you relax, you deserved a break after all the hard work you did." Tails: "Thanks Doc... but what should I do?" Sonic: "You can hang out with me, explore the island some more." Tails: "Okay, I like that." said Tails, before he and Sonic went off to explore the island, hanging out with the animals, like the birds, the deer and squirrels, before taking a rowboat to go fishing. Sonic: "Boy... fishing can be so boring..." Tails: "I know... but it is relaxing compared to everything else we did lately, and we get to hang out." Sonic: "Yeah... gotta spend as much time together as we can before we pass away..." Tails: "But... aren't we immortal?" Sonic: "Oh yeah... forgot about that... but the saying can't go for the doc." Tails: "Oh right... I never thought of that... I'm really gonna miss him when his life ends... as he's like a father to me... a father that actually loves me..." Sonic: "Yeah... I see him as a dad figure too, he's a really great guy." suddenly, a mysterious figure came down from above and attacks the boat, causing both Sonic and Tails to fall into the water. Due to not having the ability to swim, Sonic was sinking like a rock, but Tails could still swim, and managed to save Sonic in time and get themselves out of the lake. Tails: "Sonic, are you okay?!" Sonic: "I'm fine, but what just attacked us?" Tails: "Uh... maybe him?" said Tails, pointing at what looked like a Mobian echidna that was red, boxing gloves with spikes on the knuckles, and wore green shoes. The Mobian in question was Knuckles the Echidna (voiced by Dan Green), and he was looking really angry. Knuckles: "Alright you rodents, if you want the Master Emerald, you'll have to beat me first." Sonic: "Master Emerald?" Tails: "What's he talking about?" Knuckles: "Don't play dumb with me!, the doc warned me about you attempting to steal it, but I will not allow that to happen!" Sonic: "Huh?, why would the doc say that...?" asked Sonic in confusion, before Knuckles jumps up to attack the hedgehog. The two Mobians went to duel one another, and Tails was worried about Sonic's well-being. Tails: "Sonic, look out!" called out Tails, before Sonic managed to dodge one of Knuckles' punches. Knuckles: "Stand still and die with honor!" Sonic: "Let me think about it... well I thought about it... and I'm gonna go with no." Tails: "Oh man... what can I do... wait, Dr Kintobor, he'll know what to do..." said Tails, before he flew off to the island's lab, where he finds Dr Kintobor having lunch. Dr Kintobor: "Oh Tails, you're back, where's Sonic?" Tails: "Doc, we got a problem, some unknown Mobian named Knuckles is fighting Sonic!" Dr Kintobor: "Wait... Knuckles...?... he's alive?" Tails: "You know him?" Dr Kintobor: "Yes, but never mind that, can you take me to them?" Tails: "Sure, follow me." said Tails, before he leads Dr Kintobor to where the fight was. Back with Sonic, he was still dodging the echidna's punches, but then Knuckles finally threw a punch that hits Sonic, knocking the hedgehog into the ground. Just before Knuckles could throw the final blow, Dr Kintobor and Tails came to the scene. Dr Kintobor: "Knuckles!, stop!" Knuckles: "Huh?, Dr Kintobor..." Sonic: "Hey doc... so I'm guessing you know this guy?" Dr Kintobor: "Yes... he's a Mobian I created before you." Tails: "Really?" Dr Kintobor: "Yeah, before you two came along, the island was home to a tribe of Mobian echidnas, the first Mobians to ever exist... and one of the echidnas were raising a normal little echidna... but it was sick and needed treatment fast... but I didn't had anything that could save it... except for the Chaos emeralds..." Sonic: "So that little echidna was this guy?" Dr Kintobor: "Yes, he was the first ever Mobian I created, and his mother figure, Tikal gave him the honor of guarding the Master emerald." Sonic: "Um... what is the Master Emerald?" Knuckles: "You should know what it is as you wanted to steal it!" Dr Kintobor: "Hold on, why would you think that?" Knuckles: "Cause you told me about them." Dr Kintobor: "What?, I never told you that... actually I wasn't even aware that you were still alive until now..." Knuckles: "Hold on... if you didn't came to me... then who was that man?" Tails: "What man?" Knuckles: "Well... he looked like Dr Kintobor... but much fatter, bald... and was riding on some flying chair." Sonic: "... Eggman!" Tails: "Uh oh..." Dr Kintobor: "Ugh... I should have known it was Ivo!" Knuckles: "Who?" Dr Kintobor: "My evil twin brother, he must have tricked you to fight Sonic as a distraction." Sonic: "For what?" asked Sonic, before Knuckles gasped in shock and realization. Knuckles: "The Master emerald!, he tricked me so he can steal the Master Emerald!" Tails: "Is that bad?, what is the Master Emerald?" Dr Kintobor: "It's a gem like the Chaos emeralds, only a lot bigger and more powerful... not to mention it has the power to turn thoughts into reality." Sonic: "Whoa... if it can really do that... then we're in trouble, as I'll bet that Eggman has a lot of bad thoughts." Dr Kintobor: "And that's not all, the Master Emerald's power is what's keeping the island float, if it leaves... then the island will fall." Tails: "What?!" Sonic: "Uh oh... then we need to get to it fast!" Knuckles: "Follow me!, I know a shortcut!" said Knuckles, before he leads the group to a shrine where the Master Emerald should be, but the emerald itself was gone. Tails: "Oh no!, we're too late!" Sonic: "Wait... if it's gone... why is the island still floating?" Dr Kintobor: "Well... if I had to guess... the emerald is still on the island." Knuckles: "But then... where is it?" asked Knuckles, before the sound of Robotnik laughing was heard, and then the evil doctor himself showed up, holding the Master emerald in his hands. Dr Robotnik: "Hello, were you looking for this?" Knuckles: "Robotnik!, you tricked me!" Dr Robotnik: "Did you figured that out by yourself, or did you had help?" Dr Kintobor: "Ivo!, put the emerald back where it belongs!" Dr Robotnik: "Ah... Julian... how nice to see my dear twin brother again alive... when was the last time we saw each other?, decades perhaps?" Sonic: "Eggman!, give back the Master Emerald!, it's not yours to take!" Dr Robotnik: "It is now, and once I use it's power to take over G.U.N., I'll be one step closer for world domination and create my dream theme park, Robotnik Land!" Knuckles: "What's a theme park?" Dr Kintobor: "Uh... it's kinda like a park full of rides, games and food stands... something that Ivo dreams to have since he was a child... but never mind that, the Master Emerald is much too powerful to be misused!" Dr Robotnik: "Oh please, as if you can stop me this time, grandpa is not around to keep me in line anymore... thanks to G.U.N. of course." Sonic: "You mean you're working for the people who killed your grandpa?" Dr Robotnik: "Well of course, in order to have the finances and technology for my plan to happen, I would have to work for G.U.N., but they'll soon regret it once I once the Master Emerald." Knuckles: "Hold on... G.U.N. were the people who attack the island and caused that fire that killed my fellow Echidna!, including my caretaker!" Dr Robotnik: "Yes, and I'll bet you're wondering how they knew about the island..." Dr Kintobor: "You told them about it?!, but you promised grandfather to never tell anyone about it!" Dr Robotnik: "Well I might have crossed my fingers when I made that promise." Sonic: "Eggman... you really are a rotten Eggman!" Dr Robotnik: "I told you!, it's not Eggman!, it's Dr Robotnik!, don't calling me Eggman!" Sonic: "As if I would listen to a creep like you, now hand over the emerald, for we got you outnumbered." Knuckles: "He's right, the only chance you got to beat us is as if you were a lot bigger man." Dr Robotnik: "Oh... you want to see how big a man I can be?... well let me show you then." said Robotnik, before the Master Emerald started to glow and a large tornado appeared, which Robotnik was in and the others had to step away. Once the tornado was gone, the group sees what looked like a giant robot that was based on Robotnik, who was inside the robot. Tails: "Whoa... did the Master Emerald do that?" Knuckles: "Yes... this is no doubt the fearsome power of the emerald..." Sonic: "Okay... this could be a problem..." said Sonic, before the giant robot begins to walk towards the group, who were forced to make a run for it. Knuckles: "We need to get the Master Emerald back!, if Robotnik takes the Emerald off the island, we're all doomed!" Tails: "But how do we do that?" Sonic: "Too bad we don't have anything that has powers that match that emerald... wait, the Chaos emeralds!" Dr Kintobor: "Of course!, if we use the power of the Chaos Emeralds, we might have a chance to get the Master Emerald back!" Knuckles: "But where are they?" Dr Kintobor: "Back in my lab, this way!" said Dr Kintobor, before he and the three Mobians ran to the lab, where the doc takes the Chaos emeralds, and shows them to the Mobians. Tails "Wow... so these are the Chaos emeralds?" Dr Kintobor: "Yes... they draw power from the emotions of the user... so try thinking of positive thoughts... and they should give you the power to stop my brother." Sonic: "How do you know that?" Knuckles: "My fellow echidnas mentioned something about that... but which of us should use it?" Tails: "I think Sonic should do it." Sonic: "Me?" Tails: "Yeah, using the Chaos emeralds was your idea, so it's only fair you should use them." Sonic: "Well... alright... here goes nothing..." Dr Kintobor: "Just remember... think of positive thoughts... like happy memories, and they should work." said Dr Kintobor while Sonic nodded, before the Mobian hedgehog closed his eyes and begins thinking of positive thoughts while holding the Chaos emeralds. Suddenly, the emeralds started to glow and circle around Sonic, causing him to turn gold and glowing, before flying up into the sky and went to face the giant robot. It wasn't long before Sonic flew through the robot, damaging it in the process, before doing it again and again until the robot was destroyed, and the Master emerald was on the ground, while Dr Robotnik was trying to get up and having a temper tantrum. Dr Robotnik: "No!, how could this be?!, I was so close!" shouted the mad doctor, before Knuckles came up to him, cracking his namesakes, which made the mad doctor to gulp. Knuckles: "Robotnik... you're gonna pay for tricking me like that... and for what you did to my people by leading G.U.N. here..." Dr Robotnik: "Uh... hey look, there's your tribe alive and well!" Knuckles: "Really?, where?" asked Knuckles, before Robotnik makes a run for it, jumping into his hovercraft and flew away from the scene. That was when Sonic came down to the ground and changed back to normal. Sonic: "Really Knucklehead?" Knuckles: "What?" Tails: "He just tricked you again." Knuckles: "... Seriously?!, oh come on...!" Dr Kintobor: "Never mind Knuckles, we'll get him next time, and the Master Emerald is safe again, that's what really matters now." Knuckles: "Oh... you're right... Doc... please forgive me..." Dr Kintobor: "For what?" Knuckles: "For allowing Robotnik to trick me like that... allowing him to get the Master emerald in the first place..." Dr Kintobor: "No Knuckles... it was my fault for not telling you about my twin, and knowing that you were still alive... I'm just happy to know you're alright." said the good doctor, before he gives Knuckles a hug, while the echidna accepted it as he knows the doc needed it. Tails: "So... does this mean we have a new friend?" Dr Kintobor: "Yes, Knuckles here will be staying with us from now on." Knuckles: "But what about the Master Emerald?" Dr Kintobor: "Don't worry, we'll keep it close to us, where we can all guard it, as it's a job too big for you alone, and we need to teach you on who you should or shouldn't trust, so that what happened today won't repeat itself." Knuckles: "Alright doc... whatever you say... to honor the memory of Tikal..." Sonic: "Who?" Dr Kintobor: "She was the daughter of the leader of the Echidna tribe, and the caretaker of Knuckles before she sacrificed herself to save the island from G.U.N., she was the bravest and kindest Mobian echidna I've ever known..." Knuckles: "Yes... she was like a mother to me... I will honor her memory by protecting the Master emerald and this island from any threat." Sonic: "Well you don't have to do it alone." Tails: "Yeah, we'll be by your side." Knuckles: "Thank you... really." said Knuckles, as he began to smile. Meanwhile, Dr Robotnik was on his hovercraft, still upset of his recent defeat. That was when he felt something sharp on his pants and pulled it out to see it was one of Sonic's quills, which was when he got an idea that made him have an evil laugh.

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