The Abominable Were-Hog Of The North

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Outside of the White house at Washington DC, a reporter named Scarlet Garcia (voiced by Megan Hollingshead) was making a report. Scarlet: "This is Scarlet Garcia reporting that the president is thinking of a solution to the situation of the planet's current state, there's not much info yet, but the president promises that everything will be alright." said Scarlet, before the scene changes to inside the meeting room, where the President named Michael K. (voiced by Ted Lewis), a woman who is a G.U.N. agent named Topaz (voiced by Kayzie Rogers), the commander of G.U.N. himself known as Jerome Wise (voiced by Ted Lewis), and Dr Robotnik as well, were talking. Michael K: "Alright, what's the situation?" Dr Robotnik: "Well we know the planet has broken apart, but Dr Robotnik here is already working on fixing it." Michael K: "Really?" Jerome: "Yes, as you can see from the satellite footage that some of the continents are coming back into place." Michael K: "That's good to hear." Dr Robotnik: "However, those Mobians are still causing trouble for us." Topaz: "You mean the creatures that live on some flying island?" Jerome: "We know it sounds crazy, but they're real, and as for the island, if the continents can float in the air, then so could this Angel island, and those Mobians are a real threat... I mean we lost a lot of soldiers by them." Topaz: "But weren't we the ones who attacked them first?" Dr Robotnik: "It was better to attack them first before they get the chance to attack us... and also you're just a soldier, your job is to follow orders, and as your superior, I order you to stay quiet." Topaz: "Yes sir." said Topaz, while glaring at the mad doctor. Dr Robotnik: "Anyway, my point is that we can't just ignore the Mobians as they were the ones who broke the planet in the first place, I say we send out a force to crush them!" Michael K: "We did that before and lost a lot of soldiers, I will not allow history to repeat itself." Dr Robotnik: "Then allow me to send my machines to do it, I'll make sure no Mobian will survive this time." Jerome: "If that would solve the problem, then it would have worked 3 years ago." Dr Robotnik: "Only because those robots were just prototypes, but my new machines will finish them off for sure." Michael K: "Do what you like, just make sure the planet is back in one piece." Dr Robotnik: "Yes Mr President, you have my word." said the mad doctor, before he and Jerome left the room. Once they looked around to make sure nobody was around, Jerome glared at him. Jerome: "You have to be the most insane man in history!" Dr Robotnik: "Whatever do you mean?" Jerome: "Don't play dumb with me!, I know it was you who broke the planet apart!, your job was the capture Dr Kintobor and his Mobians so we can use them as weapons to protect the planet!, not to break the planet apart!" Dr Robotnik: "Well how else was I supposed to release Dark Gaia and harnessed it's power?, besides, the planet's coming back together, we just have to take credit for it and put the blame on Sonic and we'll be fine." Jerome: "Maybe so, but if word gets out that you were the true culprit, you'll be in jail for life." Dr Robotnik: "And you with me Wise, or did you forget the crime you committed 50 years ago?... one that involves Project Shadow just to gain immortality." Jerome: "As long as you don't tell anyone my secret, I won't tell yours." Dr Robotnik: "Fine by me, though it would have been fun seeing you pay for the crimes you committed against my family." Jerome: "Whatever... just make sure you catch the Mobians and the Chaos Emeralds." said Jerome, before he leaves the scene, while Dr Robotnik just grinned in an evil way. Meanwhile, at the North Pole, a Warp Ring portal appeared and out came Sonic, Tails, and Chip, who felt cold due to the freezing temperature, but luckily for them, their Mutant bodies were able to handle extreme cold or heat better than humans. Chip: "Wow... it sure is cold out here..." Sonic: "No kidding... and I thought the snow on top of Angel island's mountain was cold..." Tails: "Come on, the sooner we find the temple, the sooner we can go back." said Tails, before he and the others see a village nearby. Chip: "There are people living here?, they must be tough." Sonic: "Yeah... Humans might not look like it, but they managed to do things that many animals can't, like building technology or creating Mobians through the Chaos Emeralds like me and Tails here." Chip: "Yeah... hey, let's go ask those people if they know where the temple is." Tails: "I don't know, they might freak out by the sight of us." Chip: "Oh... though it wouldn't to try." that was when they heard someone crying for help, which was a little boy, who was on a little boat that was sinking. Without a second thought, Sonic used his speed to run on the water and rescued the boy just in the nick of time. The boy's parents thanked Sonic for saving their child, before Sonic and the others introduced themselves to them. Chip gave them chocolate, before asking them if they knew where the Temple of Gaia is, which they said was located in a cave not far from where they were. So with that, the Mobians and Chip went into the cave, which was dark, and that was when Sonic transformed into his Were-hog form. Sonic: "What the heck?" Tails: "I guess your Were-hog comes out whenever you're at a place that's dark." Chip: "Hey... if that's the case... do you think Dark Gaia's minions could be here too?" Tails: "Maybe... guess we'll have to be prepared for the worst..." Sonic: "Don't worry, if they are here, we'll know what to do... take them down as fast as possible." said Sonic, as he and the others continued walking down the cave. It wasn't long before they finally made it to the temple's entrance, but there was a problem, for a Dark Gaia minion, which looked like a dragon/eel, came out of the ice and roared at the group. Chip: "Yikes!" Tails: "Guess the Dark Gaia minions cane come out of the day time after all, just need a place that's dark." Sonic: "Well this thing is about to see stars once I'm done with it!" said Sonic, before he goes off to fight it. Chip: "Come on Sonic!, take that thing down!" Tails: "We gotta help him!" Chip: "Hold on!, I don't think it's a good idea, we're not fighters like Sonic's Were-hog form, and besides... I think we're about to have our own fight..." said Chip, as more Dark Gaia minions showed up, ready to attack the pair. Suddenly, the gem on Chip started to glow and the light shined from it caused the minions to vanish. Tails: "Hmm... hey Chip, I don't suppose you remember how you got that gem around your neck, right?" Chip: "Sorry... no clue... but I'm glad to have it." said Chip, before Sonic stretches his arms out and threw a double punch on the monster, defeating it at last, before it vanishes like the other creatures. Soon, the group went into the heart of the temple, and Chip goes to the Plinth that had the base with a hole on top. Sonic then places one of the powerless Chaos emeralds into the hole, and once that happened, a sphere of light blue Chaos energy surrounded the gem, bringing back it's power and color at last. Suddenly, everything began to shake, as the continent slowly but surly goes down, back to it's original position. Tails: "Alright!, Chaos Emerald number 4 is back!, now there's just 3 more to go." Sonic: "Yeah, let's get out of here before we turned into ice cubes." Chips: "What?!, I don't want to be an ice cube!, that would be too cold for me!" Tails: "Don't worry, we'll be out of here before that ever happens." said Tails, before he takes out a Warp ring to open up a portal and soon the group went into it to return to Angel island before it closed up. Meanwhile, outside of the cave, a group of G.U.N. soldiers, lead by Orbot and Cubot, came to the scene. Orbot: "Alright everyone, be on your guard, Sonic is not only fast, but tough as well." Cubot: "Alright soldiers, charge!" said Cubot, before he and the G.U.N. soldier went into the cave and found no sign of Sonic or his team. Orbot: "Odd... the footprints lead here... so where are they?" Cubot: "Maybe went to the sewers." Orbot: "Um... that would make since if we were in a city right now... but this is the North Pole... there are no sewers here." Cubot: "Oh... hey look over there!" said Cubot, before he finds something in the ice, took out a laser gun and fires it to release what looked like an escape pod. Orbot went to scan it and he was surprised. Orbot: "No... it can not be..." Cubot: "What?" Orbot: "You might not realize it... but this is something that Dr Robotnik has been searching for in the last 50 years... quickly, we must show this to Robotnik at once!" Cubot: "Sure thing." said the two robots, before they along with the G.U.N. soldiers left the scene with the mysterious escape pod, which had something inside that looked like a Mobian hedgehog.

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