The Battle In Space

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It was close to sunset when Sonic and Tails were sitting on the beach of Angel island, thinking about all the adventures they had so far. Tails: "Hey Sonic... do you still remember the day when we first met... becoming Mobians and our battles against Eggman?" Sonic: "I sure do, it seems like it was only yesterday... we managed to make new friends too, like Knuckles, Amy, the Chaotix, and recently Cream." Tails: "Yeah... Cream is a really nice girl." Sonic: "Yeah, nice enough to be your girlfriend?" Tails: "What?!" gasped Tails in shock while blushing. Sonic: "Come on Tails, I can tell that you have a crush on her." Tails: "Uh... well... I only just met her... and I don't think she shares the same feelings..." Sonic: "Not yet, but I'm sure she'll share your feelings as time goes on." Tails: "Oh yeah, like how you'll like Amy to be your girlfriend?" asked Tails, which made Sonic to blush this time. Sonic: "Um... I don't know about that... she's nice and all... but I don't know if I'm ready for such a relationship yet..." Tails: "When will you be ready?, surly before the doc meets his end, right?" Sonic: "Well... maybe... oh speaking of the doc, we better go see him, it's probably time for dinner anyway." Tails: "Sure." said the Mobian pair, before they head off to Dr Kintobor's lab, where the good doctor and the other Mobians were waiting for them. Cream: "Hello Mr Sonic and Mr Tails, are you hungry?, for Mr Kintobor has made some food." Tails: "We sure are, and Cream, I hope you're feeling comfortable." Cream: "Why yes, everyone here has been treating really nicely, especially Cheese here." Cheese: "Chao, Chao." Sonic: "That's great to hear." soon, everyone went to have to have their dinner, but once everyone was done, the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard, and Charmy went to open the door, to see Orbot and Cubot, Dr Robotnik's robots. Cubot: "Hi, we have a message for you from the great and powerful Dr Robotnik." Orbot: "Don't tell him that!, tell it to Dr Kintobor!" Cubot: "So he's not Kintobor: "Charmy: "No... I'm Charmy the Bee... the doc's inside." said Charmy, before he leads the two robots to the good doctor. Amy: "Charmy!, don't bring the enemy here!" Charmy: "What?, they don't look dangerous." Orbot: "Of course not, we're not robots for battle." Cubot: "We're programed to be robots that Dr Robotnik have someone to talk to as he has no friends." Sonic: "I can believe that." Knuckles: "Me too." Dr Kintobor: "So you have a message for me from Ivo?" Orbot: "Yes, and here it is." said Orbot, before the robot pressed a button on the side of his head, and a hologram of Dr Robotnik was shown. Dr Robotnik: "Greetings dear brother, I'm sure you're wondering why I sent my two robots to you... well the thing is I want to let you know that I will soon conquer Angel island and the world." Sonic: "Yeah right, like we haven't heard that before..." Dr Robotnik: "Oh this time is different, for I have a fleet of spaceships, carrying many robot soldiers, ready to invade the planet!" said the mad doctor, before the hologram shows the ships above the planet, much to everyone's shock. Cream: "Oh no... those ships look scary..." Cheese: "Chao..." said Cream and Cheese, before the hologram changed back to the mad doctor, who was laughing in an evil way. Dr Robotnik: "I've been on these for the passed three years, thanks to the money and technology that G.U.N. allowed me to have, so unless Super Sonic can stop me, you're finished!, so long Julian!, Ah, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!" said Robotnik, before the message ended, and the two robots were ready to leave. Cubot: "See ya in the invasion tomorrow." said Cubot, before the robot pair left the scene. Amy: "Oh man... that's a lot of spaceships..." Vector: "No kidding... we had a lot of battles against Eggman... but we never dealt with something like this before..." Knuckles: "Yeah... but at least they're not powered by either the Master emerald or the Chaos emeralds..." Espio: "Maybe so... but I doubt we can take down a fleet that big..." Sonic: "Don't worry guys, my Super Sonic form will take care of them, Eggman says so." Dr Kintobor: "Wait a minute Sonic, I have a feeling it's a trap, why else would my brother mention it?" Cream: "Wait, Mr Eggman is your brother?" Dr Kintobor: "As much as I hate to say it... yes... he is... but he's like the opposite of me." Sonic: "Don't worry doc, whatever tricks Eggman has, my Super Sonic form can handle it, now let's do it!" said Sonic, before he takes a hold of the Chaos emeralds, and then the hedgehog went to his Super Sonic form and flew away. Dr Kintobor: "Sonic wait!" called out the good doctor, but it was too late, Super Sonic was already gone into space. Amy: "We gotta help him!" Tails: "How?, we don't have anything that can get us to space." Knuckles: "Well that's unfortunate... I could go to take down some tin cans right now." Dr Kintobor: "Oh dear... I just hope Super Sonic will be enough to stop whatever tricks Ivo is planning at the moment... for I got a feeling this fleet might just be a trap to get the emeralds..." said the good doctor, feeling worried about Sonic's safety. Meanwhile, above the planet, the armada of spaceships, were getting ready to invade, and Dr Robotnik was laughing evilly, before the alarms went off, alerting him that Super Sonic came and taking down the ship by smashing through them like they were nothing. It wasn't long before the robot soldiers flew off to attack Super Sonic, only to be destroyed when Super Sonic starts punching them like they were nothing. Knowing the incoming danger, Dr Robotnik went to his hovercraft, with a force-field on the top so he can breathe, and Super Sonic chased him to a space station, which was in fact the Space Colony Ark. Once Robotnik got to the control room, Super Sonic came as well, ready to attack. Dr Robotnik: "S-Sonic!, hold on!, I'm sorry!, I promise to be good!, just go easy on me!" Super Sonic: "Well this is new, showing remorse Eggman?, if you played nice, I wouldn't had broke so many of your toys." Dr Robotnik: "He, he... GOTCHA!" said Robotnik, before he pressed a button on a remote, and that was when a group of lasers were activated and fired beams that captured Super Sonic, who was unable to move at all. Super Sonic: "Ah!, what's going on?!, I can't move!" Dr Robotnik: "Of course not, you just got caught in my Chaos energy cannon, a device designed to capture and drains anything that has Chaos energy, like say... the Chaos emeralds, thank you for bringing them to me by the way." said Robotnik, before the beams separated Sonic from the Chaos emeralds, draining them of their power, while a cannon appeared from below the Space Colony Ark. Dr Robotnik: "Whoo, ho, ho, ho!, I waited a long time for this... and... FIRE!" shouted Robotnik, before he pressed a button, and the Chaos energy cannon fired a large powerful beam of Chaos energy that hits the planet. Once the beam hit, the continents began to break and lifted up away from the planet's core, while some large dark being seems to be roaring as it tries to climb out. As the large creature starts to get up, Sonic began to change, growing bigger, having dark fur, longer arms and starting to look like a werewolf of a Mobian hedgehog while howling like a wolf. Once the cannon stopped, the Chaos emeralds were down, powerless as they were all drained of their Chaos energy. Dr Robotnik: "Success!, a complete success!, it's just as the Gaia manuscripts foretold, the dark being known as Dark Gaia, which has been sealed away in the planet's core for thousands of years has been awakened!, now I just need to harness it's energy, and Robotnik land will finally come to be!" Sonic: "Now you... gone and done it this time Eggman!" Dr Robotnik: "Whoa Sonic... that's a pretty good look for you, festive!, so long friend!" said Robotnik, before Robotnik went to his hovercraft and pressed another button, which opens the space station's window, forcing Sonic and the Chaos to be pulled out and were now falling towards the planet. As for the large dark creature, it let out a dark purple fog that spread across the planet, before it vanished along with the fog on the side where there was light while the dark half still had the fog.

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