Sticks In Africa

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It was a sunny day in the savannas of Africa, when Sonic, Chip and Tails were out searching for the first temple of Gaia that the Gaia manuscripts mentioned. Tails: "According to the manuscripts, the temple should be in close by." Sonic: "Then let's get to it." Chip: "Hey guys... do you think those creatures are here too?" Tails: "What creatures?" Chip: "The ones we ran into back at Station Square last night." Sonic: "That's a possibility, for according to the manuscripts, they were Dark Gaia's minions, and they're at their strongest at night." Tails: "Yeah, but since it's the middle of the day, we won't have to worry about them showing up." Chip: "That's true, so getting to the temple should be easy." Sonic: "I don't know... we never get that kind of luck..." said Sonic, as he and the group noticed that the ground was starting to shake up a little, and there was a sound of thunder. Chip: "Hey... is a storm coming?" Tails: "The sky doesn't show any sign of rain..." Sonic: "Oh no... run for it guys!, look ahead!" said Sonic, as he and others see what look like a herd of elephants, rhinos, zebras, gazelles, wildebeests, even lions, were running towards them. Tails: "STAMPED~!" shouted Tails, as he, Sonic and Chip tried to make a run or fly for it, trying to get away from the stamped. Once the trio managed to avoid the stamped by climbing up a big rock, they stayed put until the animals have all passed by. Chip: "Whoa... looks like they were in a hurry..." Tails: "Look!" called out Tails, as a group of robots appeared and started attacking the Mobian pair and Chip. However, Sonic and Tails were able to take them down, and it wasn't long before they get the chance to relax again. Chip: "Whoa... you guys are really awesome on taking down those uh... what are they?" Tails: "They're robots, like Cubot, only these are for battle... and by the looks of them... I would say these belong to Eggman." Sonic: "Yeah, which means Eggman must be nearby... and the animals that almost flattened us were just trying to get away from his tin cans." Chip: "You mean these things chased those poor animals away from their home?, that's not very nice." Tails: "No, but why would Eggman be here?" Sonic: "He must be looking for the temple of Gaia here like we are... which means we need to find it first quick." said Sonic, before he and his group went into a nearby jungle, where they continue their search for the temple. That was when Tails stepped on a trap that made his leg get caught on a tree vine and pulled him into the air. Tails: "What the?!" Sonic: "Tails!, are you okay?" Tails: "I'm fine... but where did this trap come from?" Chip: "Do you think it's Eggman's work?" Sonic: "Nah, to primitive for him, he would use robots... this is someone else's work... but who?" Tails: "Perhaps her maybe?" said Tails, pointing at what looked like a female Mobian badger wearing jungle clothes. Her name was Sticks the Badger (voiced by Nika Futterman), and she was a wild girl that made the trap that Tails was caught in. Sticks: "If you outsiders think you can invade my home with your metal creatures, think again!" Sonic: "Hold on, we're not here to invade, we're just looking for the temple of Gaia." Sticks: "That's what the Eggman is looking for too, but I will not allow him or you get it!" said Sticks, before she throws a wooden boomerang that missed Sonic due to his speed, but it came back to hit Sonic on the back of his head. Sonic: "Look lady, we need to find the temple so we can fix the planet." Sticks: "You can't fool me!, you're planning to harm my animal friends!, well they'll show you that they won't be taken down without a fight!" said Sticks, before she made a Tarzan yell that summons a group of animals, ready to attack the Mobians. Sonic was doing his best avoid the animals attacks, but he can't fight back as he didn't want to hurt them. That was when Chip noticed a little lion cub trying to join the fight, but then fell into what appears to be a pit trap with spears below. Chip managed to grab the little cub by the tail, trying to pull the little guy up away from the pit, before putting him down to safety. Sticks went over to the cub, checking to see if the little lion was okay. Chip: "How is he?" Sticks: "He's fine... but why did you save him?" Chip: "Well if I didn't, those spears below that pit would have harm him or worse... where did it come from?" Stitch: "I... I was the one who made that trap... but only to keep out intruders... I never meant to use it on my animal friends." Chip: "So the animals here are your friends?" Sticks: "Yes, they mean everything to me... as they're the only friends I got." said Sticks, before Sonic came over to Tails, who finally freed himself from the vine. Tails: "We're not here to harm the animals, we came to the Temple of Gaia in hopes to fix the planet." Sticks: "Really?" Sonic: "Yeah, and we know how to do it too, we just need to get to the temple as soon as possible." Sticks: "Hmm... I still doubt on trusting you... but since this little guy here saved the little lion, I guess you can't be that bad..." Chip: "Great, my name's Chip by the way, want some chocolate?" asked Chip, offering Sticks a chocolate bar. Sticks: "Uh... is it good?" Chip: "Oh yes, I'm sure you'll love it." said Chip, before Sticks tries it, and she was amazed by the taste. Sticks: "Wow!, this chocolate stuff taste really good!, thanks." Chip: "You're welcome, um, I hope you don't mind asking... but do you know where the temple is?" Sticks: "Sure, I use it as my shelter." Sonic: "Can you take us there?" Sticks: "Why should I?" Chip: "Because we need to fix the planet, and the temple here is one of the keys on fixing it." Sticks: "Hmm... the animals did mentioned that the world got broken..." Tails: "You mean you can talk to the animals?" Sticks: "Yes, I am an animal myself, can't you?" Tails: "Well... not really... I'm Tails by the way." Sonic: "I'm Sonic, you?" Sticks: "I'm Sticks the Badger... so uh... you need to visit the temple to fix the world?" Sonic: "That's right, can you take us there?" Sticks: "Well... fine, but I'm watching you." said Sticks, before she begins leading the group to the temple. Chip: "I'm guessing you're a Mobian like Sonic and Tails?" Sticks: "A what?" Tails: "A Mobian is sort of an anthropomorphic mutant creature that was created by the energy of the Chaos emeralds, like me and Sonic here... which is what you are too by the looks of ya." Sticks: "Huh... I always wondered what I was... ever since that day the mysterious beam..." Sonic: "Beam?" Sticks: "Yes... 3 years ago... I was just a normal little badger looking for food... then one day, a strange beam came out of the nowhere the was bouncing off some windows of a village I was in... and the beam hit me... and then bam!, I turned into this... and got the idea of needing to wear clothes, so I borrowed some from the villagers without their knowledge and became the guardian of my home... I was also able to talk to the animals more... and they were my close friends since..." Tails: "That beam... I have an idea... 3 years ago... there was an accident in Dr Kintobor's lab that fired a beam or two that can turn animals into Mobians like us... one of them must have hit you and turned you into what you are today." Sticks: "Really?" Tails: "Well I'm only guessing of course, but the time frame seems about right..." Sonic: "So this whole time it was just you and the animals?" Sticks: "That's right, at least until the Eggman being showed up with those metal things... they chased off most of my friends out while me and some others remained..." Sonic: "Yeah... I know who this Eggman guy is... an enemy of ours." Tails: "He was the one who broke the planet in order to release a monster known as Dark Gaia." Sticks: "Funny... the animals told me a story about a creature with that name... and the temple was connected to another being known as Light Gaia." Chip: "Professor Pickle mentioned that being before... but there has been no sign of it." Tails: "Well if we find this Light Gaia while restoring the planet, we might have a better chance on stopping Dark Gaia." Sticks: "Stop... we're here." said Sticks, pointing at the temple up ahead. Suddenly a group of robots showed up, and Dr Robotnik himself came to the scene as well. Dr Robotnik: "Well... it would seem that I was right to keep myself hidden long enough to let you drop your guard and followed you here to the temple." Sonic: "Eggman!" Sonic: "Sonic... I should have known you were still alive... no matter, you and your friends are finished!, robots, attack!"shouted Robotnik, before the robots went to attack, but Sonic and the group went to battle and took down most of the robots. Sticks had a harder time fighting the robots, until she saw Sonic do a spin dash and decided to try it out herself, which helped her a lot. Sticks: "Wow, that trick really worked!" Sonic: "Not bad." Dr Robotnik: "Why you..." Chip: "Hey, what does this button do?" asked Chip, looking at one of the hovercraft's buttons. Dr Robotnik: "No wait!, don't touch..." but it was too late, Chip already pushed a button, and the hovercraft went out of control and flew away from the scene with the mad doctor on it. Sonic: "Well... that takes care of Eggman... now let's go inside and figure out what to do next." said Sonic, before he and the others went inside the temple, and Sticks showed them to a chamber that had what looked like a plinth with a short base on top. Chip went to look at it and noticed there were a hole on top of the base. Chip: "Whoa... I wonder what this hole is for..." Sonic: "Careful Chip!, it could be booby trapped!" Sticks: "Don't worry, I stand on it to look around the inside of this temple and nothing happened." Tails: "Wait... let me take a look." said Tails, before he flies over to take a close look at the hole. Sonic: "Well?" Tails: "Sonic, place one of the Chaos emeralds into the hole." said Tails, before Sonic placed one of the powerless Chaos emeralds into the hole, and that was when a sphere of green glow surrounded it, before the emerald turned green, showing that it's power was back. Sticks: "Whoa... pretty..." Sonic: "We did it!, we got the first Chaos emerald's power back!" suddenly, the whole place started to shake, and it wasn't just the temple, but the whole continent itself as it reattaches to the planet's core. Sticks: "What just happened?" Tails: "According to my device, the continent is back into place... all we need to do now is to find the other temples, and then restore the power of the other Chaos emeralds and the planet should be back to normal." Sticks: "You mean there are other temples like this one?" Sonic: "Yeah, now that we got this temple cleared, it's time to go, it was fun meeting ya." said Sonic, before he and the others ran off, leaving Sticks behind. After Sonic and the others left, Sticks was talking to her animal friends, who told her that she should go with them, so she can learn more about her Mobian origins. She didn't want to leave at first, but the animals encourage her that it's time to see more of the world beyond the jungle, and perhaps help Sonic restore the planet, so she finally agreed and went off to find Sonic and the others. As soon as Sonic, Chip and Tails were at the savanna again, they see that Sticks came to them. Tails: "Sticks?, what are you doing here?" Sticks: "Well... my friends told me that I should go with you... so I can learn more about my Mobian roots and to help you restore the planet... if you let me." Chip: "We'd be happy to have ya, I mean we couldn't have found the temple without your help." Tails: "And I'm sure Amy and Cream would love to meet you too." Sticks: "Who?" Sonic: "Mobians like you, and they're girls too." Sticks: "Hmm... are they trustworthy?" Sonic: "You bet they are, Amy has saved me many times in the past, and Cream is a really sweet rabbit." Tails: "Yeah... and the prettiest rabbit too..." said Tails while blushing a little. Sticks: "Is he under alien mind control?" Sonic: "Not exactly... he just has a crush on Cream." Sticks: "So it's love mind control?" Sonic: "Um... you could say that... I guess." Chip: "We better get back to Angel island and tell the good doc and professor the good news." said Chip, before Tails uses a Warp ring to open up a portal and the group went into it.

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