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Long ago, thousands of years ago, there was a planet called earth, and it was full of different kinds of animals, and the top species were beings called humans. One day, a mysterious group of mystical gems fell from the sky and crashed into the earth. The first seven gems, known as the Chaos emeralds, were smaller compared to the eighth, known as the Master emerald, and each one contained limitless power. A pair of immortal creatures called Chao came to the planet with the gems, and they were the guardians of the gems. They managed to have many Chao children, who would be future guardians of the emeralds if anything would happen to the parents. Which of course was the case as one day, the mother Chao attempted to use the emeralds to absorb the evil from the people of the world, believing that it could bring eternal peace to the planet, only to accidentally put the evil into herself, transforming her into a giant snake like demon called Dark Gaia, who draws her powers from the night and the evil within the hearts of the people and animals of the planet. Leaving with no choice, the father Chao used the emeralds to change himself into Light Gaia, with the power to bring light and life to the planet, to fight Dark Gaia and stop her. In order to defeat Dark Gaia without destroying her, Light Gaia sealed himself and her into the core of the planet, and can only come out by the power of the emeralds. Knowing that they can't protect the emeralds alone, the Chao children used the Chaos emeralds to turn a group of echidnas into anthropomorphic creatures called Mobians, and gave them a duty to protect the emeralds from harm. and then to make sure no one can find the emeralds so easily, the Chao and Mobian echidnas used the power of the Master Emerald to make an island float up into the air, and set to drift in the clouds, and was given the name Angel island. Many centuries passed without incident, until one day, a plane crashed onto the island, and only one survived, a man named Professor Gerald Robotnik, and he was amazed by what he discovered on the island. The professor became friends with the Chao and Mobian Echidnas, and when he learned about the emeralds and the creatures immortality, he thought that this could be the solution to a certain problem he had. Turns out that his granddaughter, Maria was forced to live in a space station as she had an illness that could kill her if she goes down to earth. The professor begged the Chao and Echidnas if he could barrow the Chaos emeralds for a project that could save his granddaughter's life, and knowing that a life is a very important thing to protect, they agreed only if he could return the emeralds once Maria was saved, which the professor accepted as he was a man who keeps his word. So with that, the professor takes the Chaos emeralds, and begins a project that he hopes will save Maria, something he calls Project Shadow. The project in question takes place in the space station where Maria lives, called the Space colony ark, and there the professor used the Chaos emeralds to turn a hedgehog into a Mobian called Shadow, which was named after the project, and the hedgehog became fast friends with Maria. Of course Maria wasn't the professor's only grandchild, there were twins named Julian and Ivo Robotnik, Maria's cousins. Julian or Kintobor as some called him, was a really brilliant and kind soul who wanted to help the world just like his grandfather and older cousin Maria, while Ivo on the other hand was bit of a brat who thinks he's better than everyone all because of his intelligence and impressive skills on robot making. Shadow has shown that he has special powers, like super speed and can teleport as well, and the Professor sees Shadow as family more than an experiment he created. But then, one day, a terrible thing happened, for a government group, known as the Guardians of United Nations, or G.U.N. for short, came to the space Colony ark in attempts to capture Shadow to be used a weapon to take down an enemy they had at the time during World War II. Another reason was that the one leading the attack, named Jerome Wise, wanted to steal the blueprints of Project Shadow in hopes to become immortal. Knowing the dangers of what the Chaos emeralds could do if they fell into the hands of G.U.N., the professor gave them to Julian and told the boy to go to an escaped pod he programed to set course for Angel island. Julian managed to get himself and the emerlds into the pod and flew off, just before the G.U.N. soldiers came and arrested the professor. As for Ivo, he took an escape pod as well and managed to avoid getting captured. As for Shadow, he went into a stasis pod that would put him hibernation until someone from the outside can open it by typing a special password, and Maria stayed behind to get the pod out of the station. The G.U.N. solider, Jerome Wise, came and shot Maria, but not before she managed to get Shadow to escape, and the pod fell to earth, with Shadow hibernating inside. After the incident at the Space Colony Ark, Julian managed to land on Angel island, where the Echidnas and Chao found him and learned what happened in space. Knowing that G.U.N. would be after him now, Julian decided to stay on the island to help the Chao and Echidnas keep the emeralds safe. A few decades later, G.U.N. found Angel island and began invading it, and a battle between G.U.N. soldiers and the Echidnas was commenced, causing a great fire throughout the island. In the end of the battle, there were no G.U.N. survivors, but the same could go for the echidnas, and many animals were killed by the fire. However, Julian used the powers of the Chaos emeralds to restore the plant life on the island, and managed to help out the remaining Chao too, before checking on the animals around the floating island. Little did he knew at the time was that the search would lead him to a certain creature that would bring hope for the planet in the future, and that's where this story truly begins.

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