some alone time | hunxho

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"Sisi, you home?" Xho called out for his wife from the foyer of their 6 bed/6.5 bath mini mansion on the outskirts of the city.

the aroma of food being cooked filled the air and xho's nostrils, making his stomach rumble.

He didn't get a response from Siné, but her soft voice could be heard singing along to Paradise by Daniel Caesar from the kitchen.

After taking off his outside shoes and hanging his coat up, Xho made his way toward the very spacious open concept kitchen.

He leaned against the doorframe, observing his wife in the comfort of her own world, Sisi loved cooking something she missed doing, with her busy caseload at the courthouse she would get home super late which led with Xho ordering a lot of take out and unhealthy food options for himself and their two kids.

Sisi spun around in a circle, nearly having a heart attack when she seen a figure standing and watching her, "oh, hey baby. I didn't see you there, you just got in?" she questioned sitting the pot down on the stove and walking over to her husband.

"my bad, baby. heheh, yeah i was just enjoying the show." he smiled down at her petite yet curvy figure.

she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, standing on her tippy toes for a quick kiss, but Xho had other plans.

He swiftly picked her up by her thighs and sat her on top of the kitchen counter, the couple had the house all to themselves — their two kids were currently in school and wouldn't be home til the weekend due to Sisi's mom taking them.

"Xho, what are you doing?" Sisi airily giggles, hiding her face in the crook of her neck.

"we finally got the house to ourselves, we haven't had any alone time in a minute...I'm tryna resume what we finished this morning." he whispered into her ear, taking her chin into his hands so she would be looking into his eyes.

Out of pure instinct, Sisi decided to wake Xho up this morning by giving him oral sex, he pleasurely enjoyed it and would've proceeded if they hadn't been interrupted by their kids.

"oh, is that right?" Sisi raised a brow and a smirk crept onto her face. She was all for it. "after dinner" she smiled patting his chest and jumping down from the counter.

Xho huffed, "I'ma hold you to that." he nods grabbing their plates and sat them on the dinning table.

After dinner, Sisi held up her end of the bargain, Xho was currently knocked out beside her, sleeping peacefully.

She cuddled up to him, climbing on top of him and straddling his lap. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck sucking, licking, and kissing his tattooed neck. "Siné, what you doing ma?" he sleepily mumbled causing butterflies to form between her legs.

"shhh, let me take care of you." she whispered, pecking his lips before trailing kisses down his body to his deep v-line.

she rubbed her hand up and down his semi-hard dick. she licked her lips, taking a mouthful of him inside of her warmth.

Sisi stuck her tongue out while bobbing her head up and down his shaft. "got dammit" Xho moans filled the room while he intensely watching her. his body tensed up, his was about to nut.

"baby chill I'm finna nut." he spoke but his words didn't form complete sentences.

Sisi ignored his pleads, continuing to deep throat all of him, without gagging.

Releasing his dick from her mouth, she replaced it with his balls while massaging his shaft.

Xho let out pleasureful moans, curse words, and groans under his breath.

He was enjoying himself, and so was Siné.

She is a giver, so pleasing her man turns her on even more which boost their sexy time altogether.

Siné felt Xho twitch in her mouth, she released her mouth from around his shaft and stroked him, massaging over his tip with her thumb.

"come on, nut for me baby." Sisi encouraged.

Xho's muscles tensed then relaxed at the sound of her voice. she kept encouraging him until he nutted, she swallowed then showed him.

"damn. gimme a kiss." he mumbled pulling her up to his chest. she pecked his lips.

"a real kiss." he narrowed his gaze at her, grabbing her neck and smashing his lips onto hers, he deepened the kiss by adding tongue.

They fought for dominance, Xho won.

He flipped Siné on her back and kissed down her body. She had on an oversized t-shirt which he pulled off of her in one swift motion, exposing her breast.

He cupped each of them in his hands and sucked the right, showing the same love and attention he did to the left.

"s-shit, baby!!" Siné softly moans, closing her eyes. Xho placed both of her legs over his shoulders, getting into a comfortable position between her legs.

He thumbed her clit while his tongue dipped in and out of her folds, Siné gasps arching her back off of the bed.

Xho's tongue flicked up and down slowly then fast as he matched the speed of this thumb massaging her clit, sending Sisi in overdrive, her juices poured out of her onto their bed and his fingers.

"oh, fucckkkk!" she dragged, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"that's right, give daddy what he want. good girl." xho muffled against her skin, sending chills throughout her body. He sped up the pace of his fingers, curving them upwards, Siné kept squirting until her body wouldn't stop shaking.

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