distracted | king von

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Sye laid in her queen size bed on her stomach, typing every word that came to mind as she finished the last paragraph of her term paper to submit it to her professor before classes ended.

"baby, i made us lunch. come eat." the all to familiar voice of her fiancé could be heard a few feet away in the kitchen of their studio apartment.

"von i don't have time to eat, i have two hours before this is due and i cannot get distracted or ill fail for the semester." sye stressed as dayvon hovered over her, planting a sweet kiss on the back of her neck.

He fed her one of the grapes he washed to go with their sandwiches, "a little distraction never hurt anybody." dayvon smirked standing up straight, he took his plate into the living room.

after an hour of editing, syennah submitted the effortless term paper and closed her macbook. she climbed off of the bed and walked over to where dayvon sat on the couch playing the game.

"I'm finally done." sye let out a relieved sigh, taking a bite of the sandwich he made for her.

von paused the game, pulling Sye on top of his lap, she straddled him and repeatedly pecked his lips. He kissed her back, deepening the kiss by sliding his tongue into her mouth.

"you're trying to start something knowing you have to go to work soon." sye pouted in between kisses.

"maybe, maybe not." dayvon grinned, licking his glossy lips. he lowly stared into sye's eyes giving her those sexy brown bedroom eyes.

"stop looking at me like that dayvon." she hid her blushing cheeks.

"you look so sexy" he complimented. von loved sye's natural beauty from her curly fro to her forehead wrinkles she'd make when she was upset or stressed out and everything else.

"you do too bae" she pecked his lips once more, about to climb off of him but he hugged her waist.

"dayvon, i have to pee." she huffed, he let go of her and she ran into their master bathroom. von stood up from the couch, walked to the bathroom door & lightly knocked.

"its me, I'm coming in."

sye flushed the toilet and washed her hands as the door opened and closed. von stood closely behind her, admiring her in the mirror. "the sudden urge i have to bend you over the sink and fuck you senselessly, but i can't." he groaned, his hands roaming her body.

"this feels really good," sye softly moans at his gentle touch. von spins her around to face him, he cups her breast in both of his hands, massaging her nipples til they hardened.

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