first time | joeybadass

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kaylin pov

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kaylin pov

"jo-vaughn, stop that tickles!" i say while hyperventilating from laughing so hard.

He was currently giving me a much needed foot massage, but I'm so ticklish that i wouldn't allow him to continue. "mcht, you play entirely too much." he chuckled gently placing my foot back on the bed.

He laid back down beside me and pulled me on top of him. "gimme a kiss" he poked his lips out and i leaned down and pecked his lips twice before sitting back up, giggling cause he was mugging the fuck outta me.

"a real kiss" he huffed wrapping his hand around my neck and pulling my face down to his, we kiss and he slides his tongue down my throat.

I suck on his tongue and we fight for dominance, he wins and flips me onto my back. He hovers over me, looking deep into my soul.

I grow nervous under his intense gaze and avert eye contact to the ceiling, "look at me kay." he mumbles low, but enough for me to hear him.

"hm?" i stare him in his eyes, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"i love you so much pretty, can i show you how much?" he hums leaning down to me, he attaches his lips to my neck, kissing one of my hotspots he's grown accustomed to knowing.

"i love you too, vaughn." i moan into his ear as his tongue glides across my soft caramel skin, he licks and sucks the same spot he kissed not long ago. My body temp rises.

Vaughn knew exactly how to turn me on, he knew all of my spots that would make me melt, and he was so patient and tender when it came to love making. "you didn't answer my question pretty, can i show you how much i love you?" he asked again whispering into my ear.

He took my earlobe into his mouth, tugging it with his teeth, "y-yes" i pant.

A pool of liquid forming between my thick thighs. Vaughn kissed down my neck to my chest, sliding his hands under my shirt to massage each of my perky tits.

"take everything off." he mumbled moving from over me, i sat up and he helped me out of my shirt, bra, shorts and panties.

I helped him out of his shirt and shorts. I stuffed my bottom lip into my mouth as i raked his figure.

The sunlight danced across his chocolate complexion, his pearly white teeth blinding as he smiled down at me, and his plump lips glistening with my lip gloss.

Vaughn attached his lips to my left nipple, flicking his tongue up and down while pinching the right. I tried to suppress my moans, "let me hear you." he whispered into my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Following his direction, little moans flew out of my parted lips. He showed the same love and attention to my right nipple, as he did to the left.

He kissed down my stomach stopping at my belly button, he stole glances up at me making sure if i was onboard, "ain't no going back after this, are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"yes, jo-vaughn." I nod.

My eyes roll to the back of my head as his tongue attaches to my sensitive clit, he sucks on it then flicks his tongue up and down.

My breathing turns to panting and uncontrollably moans escape my mouth.

My eyes pop open as the foreign unfamiliar feeling of his middle finger enter me, "oh my gosh!" i moan, knitting my brows while arching my back off of the bed.

He pumps slowly, taking his time while still sucking on my clit. "fuck, you taste so good princess." he mumbles sending chills throughout my body.

My muscles tighten.

"relax" he encourages, i do as told and my liquid pools out of me, making a huge mess.

He comes face to face with me, and his goatee is glistening with my juices, he leans down to kiss me, passionately while slowly thrusting into me.

I gasp into the kiss, brows knitting. It hurts.

"shhh, it'll feel better. just relax." he says in a low and sincere tone.

"o-okay" i muffled.

"fuck, you creaming already." he acknowledged, i looked down seeing my fluids coating his dick and that made feel a sense of accomplishment.

Once I was comfortable and relaxed, his strokes became slow, long, and deep. He kept hitting my spot, "right there, harder." i wrap my arms and leg around him while he went faster.

My legs started shaking uncontrollably, i fucked him back. We reached our orgasms at the same time. Vaughn pulled out and left the room.

My body couldn't stop shaking. "you need a break?" he asked, wiping my mess up from between my thighs.

"no." i shook my head getting on all fours and arching my back. Ass up, face down.

His hand rubbed my pussy while i threw my ass back, my clit throbbing. He placed himself at my entrance and slowly re-entered my walls.

My pussy queefed from the first couple of thrusts. Vaughn grabbed my waist and pounded my walls.

I matched his strokes fucking him back.

He let out low moans, "keep going, I'm almost there...oh, fuck!" he groaned, a warm load of his cum shooting inside of me.

He pulled out and smacked his dick on my ass.

He re-entered my pussy, stroking uncontrollably while his thumb massaged my asshole. "shit, that feels good daddy" i moan, both sensations sending me over the edge.

I threw it back on him, "oooh, shit" i gasp adjusting to his hard erection entering my asshole.

"shit, take that dick." he encouraged, holding my waist still while thrusting in and out.

My pussy leaked from the pleasure, I massaged my clit then fingered myself, riding out another orgasm.

We finished and got in the shower, going two more rounds then dozed off to sleep in each other's arms.

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