confrontation | jboutabag1

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a/n: i started writing this before publishing the book 🫠..this is what inspired me to write the book lowkey 😌 | non-smut

this is what inspired me to write the book lowkey 😌 | non-smut

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Jhy sat in the booth with his friends waiting for their food to be delivered to their table at the local diner in their neighborhood.

Trying to pass the time he got on his phone while his friends continued their conversation that he was interested in.

kha.myriiii sent you a message request

Jhy smiled at the notification, tapping it he texted her back and swiped out of the app.

The bell above the door rang indicating a customer came into the diner, Jhy looked back seeing Khamyri with two of her friends, Ki'liyah and Errielle, and her twin sister, khamryn.

Jhy knew the girls rather well, they all went to school together and hung out with each other.

"yo, Ki! over here." Sir waved the girls over, he knew about Jhy's crush on Ri and that with being said he & ki decided to play matchmaker.

"hey jasir, zaevion, and danario!" ri innocently smiled and waved at the boys as she sat beside jhyzir while ryn, rielle, and ki sat between the other boys.

"damn it's fuck my mans jhy?" nario grimaced, kissing ryn's cheek.

jhy looked at khamyri, she seen him and mugged. "who? y'all know who rio talking bout?"

the small group of friends caught on and shared a look and shook their heads. "ight, bet." jhyzir chuckled making a mental note for later.

the group got their food and went back to jhy's crib. he was the first one who had his crib outside of their rough neighborhood & the others took every chance they got to escape their reality. "ryn, im riding with you." ri told her sister.

before ryn could agree, jhyzir grabbed khamyri's arm pulling her to his car. "we gonna meet y'all there." he told the group, they nodded heading off to their separate cars.

ki rode with jasir, ryn drove her & riri's car with nario riding with her, and riel rode with zae.

"the hell ya problem is? we was jus good." jhyzir folded his arms staring deeply into ri's eyes, waiting for an explanation.

"I'm not talking to you." ri cut her eyes at him, turning her head to the right.

"khamyri a'lesia kolten, talk to me bruh." he straight faced her.

"jhyzir omiri jackson, can we please leave?"

jhyzir nods opening the passenger door and khamyri gets inside. he jogs around to the driver side and gets in, starts the car, & pull off toward his house.

 he jogs around to the driver side and gets in, starts the car, & pull off toward his house

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khamyri pov

the car ride to jhyzir's house was silent. i wanted to bring up what i found out just a few hours ago, so i did.


"yeah, khamyri."

i fiddled with my nails, "did you & tori have sex?" I ask bluntly preparing for his reaction.

he laughs as if something was funny but it wasn't, "did y'all?"

"..." he glanced over at me than at the road ahead, unsure what to say or if he should say what he wanted to say.

"wow." i scoff, blinking away my tears as they brimmed my eyes.

"it was one time. we wasn't talking & it just happened. I'm sorry." he sighed.

"when did you fuck her?" i ask calmly looking out of the window as more tears fell down my face.

"two months ago."

"was it the same day i told you i was pregnant?" i sniffled trying my hardest to not blank on him while driving before we ended up dead.

he stayed silent, "y-yeah..." he stuttered, taking the exit toward his house.

My ears couldn't believe what I'd just heard and my heart wasn't allowing me to process anything at the moment. I wanted to get out, no, i needed to get far away from him as humanly possible.

"pull over, I'll find my way home." i said shaking my leg, i was heated and i started seeing red.

I knew I'd black out any second and wouldn't be able to control my anger, especially when he is this close to me. "khamyri we are five minutes from my place, im not finna let your ass call a damn Uber just to go back cross town."

"jhyzir you aren't listening to me! LET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN CAR RIGHT NOW BEFORE I FUCKING KILL ALL THREE OF US." I semi-yell.

he kept driving until we pulled into the packed driveway and the two story single family home.

i got out of the car, slamming the car door and going straight into his house. I went to one of the guest rooms slamming that door as well.

"it's me, open the door." khamryn sighed.

"go away!" I yelled, placing my AirPods in my ears and blasting stunna girl music.

within minutes, my mood went from wanting to commit murder to shaking my ass and getting high.

I sparked up my pre-roll and inhaled the smoke. I held in the smoke than exhaled it through my nose. I leaned back on the headboard vibing out to music and smoking something i enjoyed doing by myself.

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