old friends | lucascoly

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Audeia / Dei

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Audeia / Dei

Audeia sipped her whiskey neat, looking out at the cities night sky, it was beautiful.

She hadn't been back in the city in a while and missed it deeply, she was happy to be back in the grove of things; around family and friends — even if it was only for a few days.

"how long are you in town for?" a sudden chill ran down her spine, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at the friendly face.

"two more days, quick business in and out." she sighed, a frown etched onto her face.

"mm, well i hope to see more of you, very soon." a faint chuckle left his mouth, his tongue glided across his plump pink lips wetting them with his saliva.

"cheers to that." Audeia tight lip grinned, clinking their glasses together then took a sip.

The strong dark liquor burned her throat on the way down.

The two old friends fell in a comfortable silence, looking out at the amazing hillside view.

The two old friends fell in a comfortable silence, looking out at the amazing hillside view

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"Tu es belle au clair de lune" Lucas seductively whispered into Audeia's ear while his right hand trailed down her spine, sending chills throughout her body.

"Merci. I love it when you speak French." Audeia smiled, seductively cutting her eyes at Lucas, she slowly turned around to face him.

They were inches apart, one wrong move and their lips would become intertwined. Lucas airily chuckled, caressing Dei's cheek.

She melted at his touch.

Dei stared deeply into Lucas's eyes, he closed the small gap between them, pecking her glistening lips. Dei kissed him back.

They fought for dominance.

"let's take this to the room." he mumbled against her lips.

"no. take me right here." dei gasped into the kiss, her body temperature rising by the second.

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