righting my wrongs | chief.ayodele

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Lem sat on the side of the hospital bed, tears rolling down his face as he held onto the hand of his girlfriend.

"why? baby please don't leave us. we need you. please wake up." he pleaded as tears stained his cheeks.

It pained him to see his girlfriend like this, connected to all of these machines and lifeless like and helpless.

the machines were breathing for her while she was in coma. faint whines echoed throughout the four walls making lem turn around. He got up to pick up his four month old son from the basinet he was sleeping in. "say hi to your mommy santana." lem cooed rocking his son in his arms.

He laid the baby on his mom's chest and he stopped crying. "Harlem Hicks?" a voice spoke behind him, clearing their throat.

"who is asking?" Lem asked turning around seeing two plain clothes detectives standing in the doorway.

"I'm Det. Andrew's and this is my partner, Det. Farrow. Mr. Hicks, we have a warrant for your arrest for the murder of Deontay McBride, known as D-Man." One of the detectives spoke as the other walked over and cuffed him.

"what the hell is going on here? Can y'all do this another day or something? His son was just born." Tyler, his cousin, mugged standing to his feet as he seen them walk out of the room.

"baby what did you do?!" Lem's grandmother worriedly questioned walking over to her grandson.

"nana, call my lawyer. if jela don't wake up i need you to take custody of santana please. i love you. everything will be alright." Lem told her, she nods.

Lem said goodbyes to his family before being escorted out of the hospital by the police. He knew it would happen, but he was careful.

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